OregonShout _YoUNITY
  • Oregon City, Oregon.
  • United States
  • Education
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OregonShout _YoUNITY's Friends

  • Yaguar
  • Henry Massingale
  • Intl. Starseed Network (ISN)
  • Stygo Alphamatt
  • Apostle Cauline E Thomas-Brown
  • Karen Kennedy
  • Aidana WillowRaven
  • Backwoods Mercantile
  • Cold Coffee
  • Cultural Arts Network
  • TINFS Care For you
  • Lily Seymour
  • Podcasting101
  • Money_Matters
  • Home Biz Connection Network


  • 1.
    Heat of the Sun

OregonShout _YoUNITY's Discussions

File Manager Problems

Started this discussion. Last reply by JenSocial Feb 13, 2013. 2 Replies

YoUNITY for everyone

Started this discussion. Last reply by OregonShout _YoUNITY Feb 2, 2013. 1 Reply

Profile Information

Owner's Name
James and Terry Hamilton (Aka) YaaKov' & Hadassah Terry'
Website/Blog Name
Oregonshout.com ¬ ShekinahLife.com ¬ YoUNITY.info
Social Website/Blog Address
Website Category
Website Subcategory
We are helping Oregonians Shout at OregonShout
About Website
Come and see

Nice to see you...

Eitz Chayim =...Hebrew for the "Tree of Life"

Howdy and welcome to our page...Jen does super work by the way>
So WE have a few things going

And http://Younity.ning.com

A Hebrew Salutation for you this day: Bamidbar 6:v24-27[ Book known as Numbers] |v24| Y'varekhekha Adonai v'yishmerekha (Ha'shem bless thee, and keep thee); |v25| Ya'er Adonai panav eleikha vichunekha (Hashem make His face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee); |v26| Yissa Adonai panav eleikha v'yasem l'kha shalom (Hashem lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee shalom). |27| And they shall put My Shem upon the Bnei Yisroel, and I will bless them.



Shalom Aleichem…”Y&T”

Comment Wall (14 comments)

You need to be a member of JenSocial: Social Web Directory and Ning Tips to add comments!

At 4:05pm on February 2, 2013, Intl. Starseed Network (ISN) said…

I LOOOOVE the Hebrew info on your page! I figured out I had Jewish ancestry last year and I was thrilled, I cried lol because all my life I felt such a deep love for anything Jewish, I even grew up around Syrian/Hasidic Jews. 

At 4:03pm on February 2, 2013, Intl. Starseed Network (ISN) said…

Hi thanks very much for the friendship :) I agree on your comment, the shift is happening very much so. I like your comment :). I saw your comment in the VIP group, don't give up on your network...there has to be a reason behind it? I don't know.

At 4:28pm on January 27, 2013, Stygo Alphamatt said…

Thanks, if you need help i might help

At 7:39pm on January 18, 2013, Henry Massingale said…

Oregon, looks like the state I have not posted in yet...

At 12:39pm on June 25, 2010, JenSocial gave OregonShout _YoUNITY a gift
A gift as a small token to express my appreciation to our Official Expert Bloggers! Thank you, Jen
At 12:47pm on October 27, 2008, Pet Lovers Paradise said…

Hope this finds you doing terrific! I'm just doing my part in getting us noticed because if we come here every day, several times a day, give a hello, check out comments, blogs, etc...the chances of us moving to page #1 of Ning's Popular Networks are HUGE! How can we not get to the top TOGETHER?
At 9:05am on October 26, 2008, Dr. Sohiniben Shukla said…
dear james and terry,
Thanks for being my Friends.
I have not read a single book pertaining to bringing heaven On Earth.
At 10:09am on October 25, 2008, King of Prosperity Network said…
Thank you for joining our group "Motivational Corner"! I look forward to seeing and reading about what inspires and motivates you.

Self-Proclaimed Motivator, Gerald Simmons P.S Please share our group with your circle of freinds and help me on my movement to motivate and inspire the "WORLD"
At 4:37am on October 2, 2008, RonPrice said…
Best wishes to you both from Tasmania.-Ron Price, poet and writer and retired teacher.
At 12:40am on October 2, 2008, RonPrice said…
Just got your message, read your quotations and comments and look forward to further dialogue in the months aneyears ahead.-Ron Price, Australia

OregonShout _YoUNITY's Blog

Mensch~~~someone who is of noble character

Posted on January 27, 2009 at 7:57pm 0 Comments


Someone to admire and emulate, someone who is of noble character.

The key to being “a real mensch” is nothing less than character, rectitude, dignity, and a sense of what is right, responsible, and decorous.

Here is my humble attempt to help you achieve mensch-dom.

Help people who cannot help you.

A mensch helps people who cannot ever return the favor. They have a sense of what is the right thing to do

You’re a mensch…


VIP Ning Tips