Good Riddance Mode Media! Exciting News About Ning + Cyndx LLC

Announcement from (Ning):

Exciting News About Ning + Cyndx LLC

We are pleased to announce that Cyndx LLC entered into an agreement with Mode Media to take over the operations of Ning Inc from Mode Media immediately.  The Ning and Cyndx teams together are bigger, stronger, and better positioned to provide innovative media solutions that will improve our customers social experience.

Our combined organization is committed to maintaining excellence and strong customer relationships (read more...)

From Ning's Facebook Page:

In the News:

Mode Media, once a $1 billion valued company, shuts down abruptly ...

What $1 billion? High-flying Mode Media shuts down

I say good riddance to the most destructive force this platform has ever had to endure.  Of course, I feel badly for the Mode Media employees, and the bloggers left without pay. But, let's not forget the disgraceful treatment of the original mighty, powerful, and talented Ning Team. And what about Ning's Customers? It would take me a week to express that story.

Summary: Practically since the day Mode Media purchased Ning, they (Management) have ignored the Ning Customer base. They have made it quite clear - - We don't give a crap about our customers. OMG, it feels good to finally speak the truth. There have been few promises met (if any), very little support, and nothing but a regimented team of detached employees. And, according to my inside sources, those employees were given no choice.

The Future:

I have my fingers crossed that Cyndx will take this bull by the horn, and bring back the creative power of Ning, that we all knew and loved. We can only hope for the best. In my view, just the fact that someone on Ning Creators is speaking like a real person instead of a robot, we're already in better shape. The hostages have been set free! Let's just hope that Cyndx doesn't take the same approach. If they do, I am done. But, I have a good feeling...

Let us know how you feel about these recent events.

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Comment by JenSocial on October 7, 2016 at 11:21pm

Ning Announcements:

I'll create a new blog post this weekend. For now, Ning has finally made an announcement on the state of Ning ownership.

Noosphere Ventures (Venture Capitalist) apparently took over the acquisition, and PSCP Holdings Limited is the new owner, I think?

Regardless, I consider this progress. And, hold on to your seats. Ning has actually introduced their first new feature, in what, 3 years?! Excellent news, we are finally moving forward. Honestly, I didn't think the day would come, until the demise of Mode. That's what gave me my first hopes, in a very very long time.

Comment by JenSocial on September 30, 2016 at 6:55pm
Writer Chick, couldn't agree more, super encouraging. Mode absolutely would not acknowledge our existence -- except to lower storage or raise prices.
Comment by Writer Chick on September 30, 2016 at 5:32pm

And STILL there are people whining.  smdh.  Yes, there are problems, but Mode totally ignored the platform for over 3 years.  The new owners can't wave a magic wand and fix 3 years of neglect overnight!  And yes, it would be nice to know the name of the new owner, but I'm flabbergasted that the price increase has been nixed. Wonder whose bright idea that was to begin with??? 

Comment by JenSocial on September 30, 2016 at 12:54pm

Great news! The new management Team of whomever has taken over Ning, has announced that there will be no price increase! Although, I just hate it for all the networks (including myself) who scrambled to delete content, rollback, and cancellations, at least this is a step in the right direction.

Comment by Writer Chick on September 28, 2016 at 7:38am

My thoughts exactly. I find the recommencement of communication to be a positive thing.

Comment by JenSocial on September 27, 2016 at 8:43pm
Although, we really have no idea what the future brings, I do find one thing very interesting. Whatever force, management, or even an individual that prevented Ning employees from making announcements, no longer exists. That is at least one positive thing about all of this. Never in my career, online or offline have I witnessed such silence from a company. This has been going on, for at least 3 years. So, with that in mind, at least we are hearing something, whether good, bad, or ugly.
Comment by JenSocial on September 27, 2016 at 8:13pm
Comment by JenSocial on September 24, 2016 at 4:56pm

Yeah, I saw that.

Comment by Garfield Creator on September 24, 2016 at 4:20pm

The company taking over Ning from Mode Media is run by a board member of Mode Media.

Comment by JenSocial on September 24, 2016 at 3:47pm

Not sure what you mean, Garfield. Certainly not trying to disagree with you, just giving my thoughts.


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