July 2014 Blog Posts (4)

EVERY Face to Face Event Needs a Host

If you want your Members to feel warm, cozy, and welcomed, make sure you have a designated host at your event.  I have been to events where I was not greeted by a host and it always left me asking myself questions such as “Who is part of the group?”, “Are we gathering here for the night or moving to another spot?”, “Can I eat the food over there?”, etc.  Unanswered questions leave Members with a sense of feeling unsure.  Yet, you want your Members to feel comfortable so they will be likely…


Added by Laura Occhipinti on July 30, 2014 at 10:13am — 1 Comment

Everyone Should be Using Google Alerts

I cannot tell you how many times my group was in the news and I was not even notified. Instead I found out via Google Alerts (a totally free, easy, and awesome provided by Google).  What is Google Alerts?


Google Alerts as Defined by Google:

“Google Alerts are email updates of the latest relevant Google results (web, news, etc.) based on your queries. Enter a search query you wish to monitor. You will see a preview of the type of results you'll receive.” …


Added by Laura Occhipinti on July 21, 2014 at 11:00am — 2 Comments

The Mistake I Made for 10 Years (It Makes Me Cringe)

Only recently did I realize I was making a HUGE mistake with my 5,000 Member social group.  I was constantly driving traffic to my website, but I failed to effectively capture the email addresses of those who were not ready to pay dues. Sure, I had a standard sign-up form (generated by Constant…


Added by Laura Occhipinti on July 14, 2014 at 7:44pm — 2 Comments

Are These 6 Things Missing from Your Website?

Every website should have these 6 things. If anything might be missing, make it your goal to audit your website and put these in place within a month:


  1. Contact Information – Do not make it hard for people to contact you.  You could potentially miss out on new Members AND potential sponsors (who want to give you money).
  • Make sure the contact email address is EASY to find. Ideally, you will have a tab that…

Added by Laura Occhipinti on July 7, 2014 at 10:00am — No Comments

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