I would like to thank the men & women I had the pleasure of serving with, the ones I did not, the ones that still do but more importantly the ones who gave their lives so that we may have ours.

Every time you complain that the line at Starbucks is too long; be grateful that you aren't being shot at today. Never forget. Freedom isn't free........


Views: 162


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Comment by Fire-Tech on November 11, 2012 at 3:21pm

Wow Jen, ...hard to believe another year has gone by. I hope you have a great Veterans Day and thanks for your dads service.

Comment by Fire-Tech on November 12, 2011 at 4:49pm

It's amazing how many people don't realize how good we have it. Every house had a flag flying after 911 and now you only see them on the houses of us vets. I ask; at what point is it so important to ever take it down?

None of us are as important as we think we are; and we will all be long forgotten, but the freedoms we take for granted every day will survive thanks to the sacrifices of our armed forces.

Thanks for sharing about your dad. I'm sure he was a great man.

Comment by JenSocial on November 11, 2011 at 7:23pm

Thank you and Amen.

My Dad - - just returned from leaving 6 flags at his final resting place. I couldn't believe how few flags were out, maybe one? It was amazing to me how few people remember, really sad. But, we didn't forget our Hero. =)


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