It's more than just a policy change, is treachery!

I think I am finally giving up, Jen!. 

Three years ago I found a community that accepted me without disdain despite an embarrassing disability.  That fraternity is naturism, as safe for women and children as it is for me.   I have fought to the point of pain for this community but there is a place where you become King Canute against the tide.

Two years ago Ning undertook a purge of all adult sites that proliferated sex, fetish and perversion.  Damned right too!  I sat up three sleepless nights thrashing out with their team the groundwork and criteria for eliminating all adult sites, while allowing genuine nudist networks to continue.  It has been a golden period. 

With Ning's recent changes it looks like I will have to start again.  Gina Bianchini's departure was a sad day for our lifestyle.

I must stress that, as naturists, we as a community will not and, in fact, cannot be associated with any platform or network that publicly emphasises sex.  We are a clean community for everyone of all ages (with rare online exceptions like NudistSpace).    No child abuse, rape, public sexuality or sexism here, or else you are out the gate followed closely by your clothes!  This is how we are and we don't apologise for it.

I am afraid the opposite applies to mainstream society. You only have to look in today's news at the slavering stampede on Facebook after the "sexiest clip ever".  Pathetic!  I gleefully hope the virus rots their hardware LOL!   Anyway, the problem is that the vast majority of people out there in your world are so perverted they cannot contemplate nudity without thinking of sex. My personal view is they should be banned by law from bathing their kids!   But it is pure clean-living people like nudists who are the victims.

Look, Jen, there are about 40-50 true naturist networks on ning which need somewhere to migrate.  They are 100% NON-sexual (since I got the only ringer closed down and investigated by the FBI/IINI), but this puts them at odds with this sadly depraved mainstream society.  Apart from Ning, every network creator platform is so preoccupied with sex they will only allow us "adult" status.  How can that be; a quarter of our community is under 18!

We cannot be a "lifestyle" without a new generation.  So children are an important part of our edenist philosophy.  Not all our sites have underage members, but here is the crunch! 

One of our sites is nudist but welcomes minors, insofar as it is better they find a safe place for guidance rather than fall into the wrong hands ""out there"".  However, are disabled in the common areas; nudity IS permitted, but in private adult groups only; minor membership relies wholly on certified ID based on a unique code sent by us that they have to show in an immediately returned (clothed) profile photo.  Yes, it couldn't be any safer, but where would this fit in an adult directory?  Furthermore how could the teen-nudists afford a pay-site? 

In an immoral world, you can see that the naturist world has to be very guarded about who it "mixes with".   Bedsharing with masturbation and fetish sites would only attract the wrong type of applicant.  We are not an adult community; Ms Bianchini and Ning understood that, Jen.  I miss her badly! 

Nobody except the Amish can thrive in the 21st century without an internet presence.  Even the Mennonites are online!  But now we have nowhere to go.
- is unreliable (I have previously explained). 
-  wackwall, socialgo, joomla & spruz all have perverted preconceptions because, as I said, they cannot see "nudity" without thinking "sex". 
-  Yuku and BuddyPress are just forums. 

Yes we have the oversubscribed, juggernaut sites like True Nudists and Nudist Clubhouse, but where do the private, networks, the friendship circles set up?

Has anyone any suggestions as a safe place for our online home?  No, I guess not!

Thanks, Jason Rosenthal, thanks a lot!!!!! 

That seems about it for the private naturist social networking community online doesn't it, Jen?  I can't shed any more tears!

Thanxxx4 trying and kind regards,
Will Golden

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It may be because I'm running, but what am I missing here? Did Ning say your Network could no longer be on the Ning platform? Forgive me if I missed this. Or, are you just saying you can't go with any of the premium packages?

If you are not depending on video or music uploads, there are many alternative solutions. Not that it will be fun to move, not at all. Off the top of my thoughts, I would suggest Spruz. They will not chastise you for having a naturist site, not to my knowledge at least. Your comment, "...spruz all have perverted preconceptions because, as I said, they cannot see "nudity" without thinking "sex". "
Have you tried Spruz? I have had several conversations with the Founder, and he's a real stand-up kind of Guy, a real Gentleman to be exact. Maybe give them another consideration.

And here is a Group devoted to alternatives:

I hope everything works out for your Community. Keep us posted. Sorry to hear you are so distressed. I can relate in other ways, that's for sure. Hang in there, and chin up.

Spruz will not allow nudity, it specifically says so in their T&Cs, even in private groups. There is a big part of naturism that is close to "nature" so we cannot commune without a plethora of photos somewhere, even privately. If we are naked what do we do, photoshop out our bodies? I cannot see the problem, there are very few hourglass figures I assure you. If you saw most of the photos there is no way they could be considered sexual LOL. But we have to be searchable, so "private" sites would be a handicap.

Do you think I could do a private deal with the Spruz founder? That's how it seems to work in politics and business these days LOL! Sadly I am short of cash too, so I can't give anyone a bung! (Just joking)

So yes, that too, Jen! Most of us cannot sacrifice large chunks of money on networks with no earning potential except for ad-revenue. It is the small friendship communities that are being made homeless here. The body-elitist ringers like Skinbook will always thrive in this forsaken world.

I shall make a heartfelt plea to Spruz, but I am not confident.

I am trying right now to arrange a World Naked Bike Ride, the 60-city-worldwide environmental campaign, and this is no mindset to be in.

Thank you for being really understanding.

Hugz, Will
I'm thinking it might have to be a private site, which like you said, won't work for you. I didn't think of that when I first commented to your discussion - - sorry for that.

Tell Jay of Spruz that Jen sent you and be sure to provide the link to our conversation here. Let's see what he says about the nudity, within your format.

Please let me know what happens. In the meantime, if I can reach out to him, I will.

Best Regards,
I have already received the answer for you. I don't think this will work. It was worth a shot. It is as you thought: the site would have to be set to private with an Adult Only page.

I actually understand both sides to this. I can see why you are insulted to be deemed "Adult", meaning x-rated or porn. However, I can also see the side of the platform developers. If it's not set to private, then they risk legal issues. And the scum out there might state they are simply a naturist site, when in fact they serve a different purpose (and not a good one). Does that make sense? It would be virtually impossible for any platform to monitor all sites.

Honestly, in cases like this, you are probably best served by hosting your own software on your server. Well, there really is no doubt about it. Have you considered something like Dolphin or BuddyPress? Then you get to play by your own rules.

Good luck and wish I could help more,



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