Add a Footer like - - overall look and feel.

A few notes first:

  • If you are a VIP Member of JenSocial and are using the original VIP custom footer - - want a change using the new footer, please go to VIP Tip for full instructions.
  • GlamLiving Media Sites: If you are part of GlamLiving Media sites and use tracking code and logo, according to a VIP Member, this footer will hide the logo. I am currently investigating this, and will update in VIP Group.
  • Time will not allow me to support customization of this tip, except in JenSocial VIP Club. However, you should find it very easy to install.
  • I used the blueprint of the Footer on Creators - - thanks Ning for inspiring so many NCs. However, the code has been completely rewritten and re-purposed, for ease of installation.

Below is an example of the Footer like, and the results of the code from this tip.

Click Image below for Full View.

Writer Chick inspired me to get this done! =) I have documented the HTML as clearly as possible. When you first look at the code, it may look overwhelming. But trust me, it's easy to edit. I have written this so all code goes in the Bottom Instant Ad Box. You will not have to add any code to Advanced CSS or Custom Code Box.


Since I am including the CSS in the Instant Ad Box, it should load faster, not take up space in your Advanced CSS, and hopefully override Custom Profile Page settings.



  • Edit the code in this text file: FooterLikeCreators_Content_BottomInstantAdBox_HTML_for_TIP.txt and follow the instructions below.
  • Within the <style> tag you will find all of the CSS. Locate each line that has the numerous asterisks like this example:
  • /****************************** Copyright Links - Color *****************************/
  • Change your font attributes, the overall background color, and you are done with the CSS edits. If you like the colors in the screen shot example, you don't need to change anything.
  • Then, you will see 4 blocks of links. Each header is titled: Column Header #1-Column Header #4 (named "Site Links" as a suggestion for the last column header). Change the Header Titles to suit your needs. Don't change anything else.
  • Under each Column Header you will see 4 generic links, titled: Link #1-Link #4. Change the link titles and the href URLs to your links.
  • For Column #4 ("Site Links"), I have added the generic links for: Badges, Report an Issue, and Terms of Service. You do not have to change those 3 href URLs. They will work on your site as-is. I used "About Us" for Link #1 Title, as a suggested link. You will need to change the href URL to your "About Us" page.
  • Now, change the copyright name to your Site or Company Name. This is located at bottom of code. Please be careful within this script code. I have added script that will change the copyright year to current year. Search for and change: "Ning Network Name Goes Here." TO "Your Site or Company Name". Do not change anything else within copyright code, unless you are an experienced coder.
  • Save all of your edited code to a text file for future edits. It's always best to edit this type of code in a text file, and then paste into your Instant Ad Box.
  • Paste all of the edited code into your Bottom Instant Ad Box. Be sure to click on the HTML button.
  • And you are done!
  • Instructions to add Bottom Instant Ad Box:

    • Go to: My Network/Settings/Features Layout
    • At the bottom of center column find "Instant Ad Boxes:" section, and click Below Footer.
    • Click on SAVE.


I could have left out the ability to change the attributes like color, font-family, font-size for: Column Header, Links, background color, etc... It would make it easier to install, but much less control over your look.


For more tips and support of this quality, join us on JenSocial, in our VIP Club for Ning Tips!


I hope you enjoy this tip!


Views: 1765

Replies to This Discussion

It looks like extra code snippets were added when you opened it to modify it than saved. Ever so often you need to go back in and delete the parts which look like this:


These code snippets are breaking up the code for your box and causing the problem. I noticed two places in your Footer Code which have the added <!-- Fragment. There are 7 in the first section of your code, and I counted 13 of them in the second fragment of your code. I suspect this is what is causing your problem with your Footer Exploding.

I hope this helps Harringay Online

The York Paranormals, exactly right, thanks for helping out.

You're welcome. I got it right purely because of you Jen. After you helped me get it down, I couldn't help but get it right.

Thanks! You're too kind. =)

You almost have to keep your HTML code in an external text file, edit, then copy/paste back to Ning. Your code just needs cleaning up.





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