Have you ever tried to add HTML code to one of these Discussion boxes, to show your members how to do something? And, you don't want your code to execute, but you want to show the raw code?
Well, you can do this, by using what we call 'escape' codes.

How It Works:
Your browser wants to interpret/execute HTML code as it sees it. And usually, this is exactly what you want. However, sometimes you would like to show others, how you made something work, or how you designed something, on a web page. To accomplish this, you need to insert what's called "Raw HTML Code". You will need to use 'escape' codes in place of the < and > brackets, or less than/greater than signs.

There are other ways to do this. But, I've found this to be the most reliable, in all browsers.

HTML is processed this way on all web pages, not just a Ning Discussion.

INSTRUCTIONS: If you want to show example raw code, use the following trick.

  • Copy/Paste all of your actual HTML code to a text editor or HTML editor.
  • Use the Find/Replace command, and replace all instances of < with the following (no space after &)
    & lt;
  • Then, Find/Replace all instances of > with the following (no space after &)
    & gt;
  • Copy/Paste all of your edited code, to your blog, web page, or Ning Discussion. SAVE your text, and you're done.

Now, you can show others your code, without the HTML being interpreted.


Views: 721

Replies to This Discussion

Thanks for the tip, Jen.
More power to TND!
OMGosh, LOL!!!!!!! I'm sitting here for about 2 seconds repeating TND, TND, what the heck is TND?! I'm slow today! My slow brain gave me a good laugh for sure. ;-)
Oh goodness, I did it again. I sat here looking at that TND, TND, TND...LMBO!!!!! Then, it hit me, about the same time I saw my comment back in February!
Does that work for creating new pages as well as discussions on ning sites?
Lady of the Moon,
Yes. This should work anywhere you want to add HTML for demonstration purposes, like tutorials or instructions.
I got it Jen thanks (just to test its capabilities I also used it on myspace but eh didnt work...LOL mainly coz if its javascript it wont work there....) I finally fixed one of my pages!

I am having issues with my website. Originally it worked fine but now its acting up. This is what i am having issues with see link here http://screencast.com/t/uZwW51t4fDTN  here is the code is there a way to fix this where it can stay in a straight line vs descending downwards <p style="text-align: center;"><span><a target="_blank" href="http://statigr.am/ninadetox"><img class="align-left" src="http://storage.ning.com/topology/rest/1.0/file/get/981289119?profile=RESIZE_180x180" width="60" /></a></span></p>
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<p style="text-align: left;"> </p>
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Try adding float:left to all of the paragraph tags, that are wrapped around each image/link. In example code, I'm using the same image/link for each paragraph. Then, wrap entire code with a DIV to center it. 

<div align="center"><p style="float:left;"><a target="_blank" href="http://stores.ebay.com/NINADETOX"><img class="align-left" src="http://storage.ning.com/topology/rest/1.0/file/get/981289073?profile=RESIZE_180x180" width="65" /></a></p>

<p style="float:left;"><a target="_blank" href="http://stores.ebay.com/NINADETOX"><img class="align-left" src="http://storage.ning.com/topology/rest/1.0/file/get/981289073?profile=RESIZE_180x180" width="65" /></a></p>

<p style="float:left;"><a target="_blank" href="http://stores.ebay.com/NINADETOX"><img class="align-left" src="http://storage.ning.com/topology/rest/1.0/file/get/981289073?profile=RESIZE_180x180" width="65" /></a></p>

<p style="float:left;"><a target="_blank" href="http://stores.ebay.com/NINADETOX"><img class="align-left" src="http://storage.ning.com/topology/rest/1.0/file/get/981289073?profile=RESIZE_180x180" width="65" /></a></p>

<p style="float:left;"><a target="_blank" href="http://stores.ebay.com/NINADETOX"><img class="align-left" src="http://storage.ning.com/topology/rest/1.0/file/get/981289073?profile=RESIZE_180x180" width="65" /></a></p></div>



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