How to remove the no.  which is shown on the log in or sign up page about the no. of members on my site?

Have a great day



Try this in your advanced CSS:

Sign-Up Page Code

.xg_widget_main_authorization_signUp.account p.dy-right {display:none!important;}


Page Code

.xg_widget_main_authorization_signIn .signin-about .dy-right {display:none!important;}




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Just the SignUp I see the member count


I see it works here I must have some critters snooping around my site and moving    things around (so to say) 

Looks like I need help Jen ARE you up to some hose cleaning with me?????  Yes and of cause let me know the fee and I'll be happy to pay.

I'll take a look at your CSS, and let you know my findings. No charge of course, for all you do here.



First thing that jumped out - - where you have ; !important: ; is a problem.

.body_small {
height: 150px;
overflow: auto;
padding-left: 3px;
background-color: transparent;
background-image: url(;
!important: ;
width: auto;

Change to:
.body_small {
height: 150px;
overflow: auto;
padding-left: 3px;
background-color: transparent;
background-image: url(!important;
width: auto;

Then try adding the code to remove member # at bottom of CSS. Let me know if that works.

If it does not work, then - - move the remove member # code to top of CSS, and let me know if that works. If it works at top and not bottom, we'll know there is another CSS error.


Thanks Jen

Removing ; before !important;  DONE

and placing both signUp and SignIn codes at the bottom of the CSS codes works.

Now I like to change the SignIn box to be more square instead of scrolling down like it is. Would make the site more fancier than it is now. I mean no scrolling to fill out application for membership, something like you have here.


Thanks Jen your a Diamond


Here's the tip for adding the content to my SignUp page:


And this will help your page a lot, making it wider. Here's the CSS to make the SignUp page wider. After Ning added the Social Media signup features: facebook, google and yahoo, the extra width is needed in most cases:


/* Make the SignUp Box Wider */
#xg.account {width:715px; margin-left:-355px;}
#xg.account #xg_body {width:730px;}
#xg.account .xg_module {width:703px;}
/* End SignUp Box Width */


Best to you as always,


Thanks Jen My SignUp page looks professional

Kudos to you





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