You can add a quick message below or above your main menu tabs, by adding this code to your Analytics Box. This is a nice way to leave a daily message for your members. You can add text, images and hyperlinks, but javascript won't work - - to-date.

Note: This tip is similar to our previous tip for adding Text Message below the menu. But, this is cleaner, and also enables you to add Text above the menu tabs.

Please be sure to copy/paste with care. Do not change anything but your text. Make sure there is no line feed (return) before the end /DIV>'); tag.

You will find an attached text file for each case.

Here's the code if you can't see the attached text files.

Above Menu Bar:
<script type="text/javascript">
x$(document).ready(function() {
// Insert a DIV Before the Navigation/Menu Bar module:
x$("#xg_navigation").before('<div align="center" class="xg_module">Add Your Text Here.</div>');

Below Menu Bar:
<script type="text/javascript">
x$(document).ready(function() {
// Insert a DIV After the Navigation/Menu Bar module:
x$("#xg_navigation").after('<div align="center" class="xg_module">Add Your Text Here.</div>');

Views: 379


Replies to This Discussion

Jen, i have a banner script: and i want to insert it before or after the navigation bar, like what you did on ning directory. how do i edit the code so that i insert that script, instead of text?
This tip won't work for script. You need to follow the tip instructions for "How To Add Google Ads", it will produce the results you want. Just replace anything that has to do with Google Adsense, with your script (in an external HTML).

Here's the tip:

Thank you Jen..This is a good one!!
Il love this..Thank you!!
Great! Always happy to hear when you all like a tip! ;-)
Thank you, it´s great, i put a little picture in this area, not a text:

This is great! Just what I'm looking for! Just one quick question. I successfully inserted an image below the menu bar, just wondering if it would be possible to have it show a selection of images I would like and have them load randomly?
Hi Jen ;-). How do I change the size and color of the font? Or can I?
See where I added 2 attributes for style=

I used a blue: 003366. Just change that hex code to your color of choice hex code, and the same for font-size.

<script type="text/javascript">
x$(document).ready(function() {
// Insert a DIV After the Navigation/Menu Bar module:
x$("#xg_navigation").after('<div style="font-size:16px; color:#003366;" align="center" class="xg_module">Add Your Text Here.</div>');

Thanks ;-).
Excellent Jen! I am loving these tips! The text is in yellow on a white background so it can't be seen that well? How do you change the text colour?



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