Ever go to leave someone a comment and think, "I wish this box was green, or orange, or had a nice picture, instead of this ugly plain white box?" This code will allow you to change the pictures in the text box and the text-box toolbar. This code was written by ladynight_time and I.

/*---pic in comment wall---*/
color: #9966CC;
background-color:black !important;
/*---pic in comment wall toolbar---*/
.texteditor_toolbar {
border:2px ridge black;

Place this code in the bottom part of your advanced code, before the end of the code.
Make sure you change your pics and colors to suit your theme. Enjoy!

Visit Rainbow Construction

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Replies to This Discussion

Here is a sample, to show you what you can do with it.

thank you so much!! been having something of this kind on my mind. :)
Thank you I have been wondering about my comment box looking out of sorts with the rest og the layout, again thanks

Dreamcatchers Family I do have a scrolling comments box, as you can see the right side does not show up. Would the scrolling box cause it to be this way?
thank you very much
Dreamcatchers ~ admin 4 N D said:

The scroll box on the comment wall will "hide" the right side of the comment box. To show the whole comment box, or to make it bigger to show a larger picture, you can add a height or width to it. For example- height:150px; width:400px; Adjust the height and width to suit. Dreamcatchers Family

I do have a scrolling comments box, as you can see the right side does not show up. Would the scrolling box cause it to be this way?
Lady Tre♥sure's Country House said:
I seem to be really ignorant in these matters. Where do I put my jpg or gif in the code? I've tried putting it in the brackets where it says jpg's but nothing happen. I also have on all my ning pages just words saying 'add comment' I don't know why the box doesn't show. Please help me!!!

I would need to see the code on your page to tell you why it isn't working. Most likely, you either left out some punctuation, misspelled something, or have another code interfering with it. If you put a link to your problem page on my page, I can tell you what went wrong. Make sure you have included the } at the end of your code....omitting that little symbol can cause you a whole world of stress lmao.
Does This also work if someone has a scrolling comment wall?
Yes, it does :D you may have to set a width for it if your comment wall cuts off the right side of your text box. Just add
or whatever size you need to make it fit right. I always have a scroll box on my comments lol.

Fantasyland said:
Does This also work if someone has a scrolling comment wall?
Ok, I admit I was trying to keep this all to myself, lol.
I would have shared with anyone who asked, and people did ask but the minute I said it came with additional terms (IE Attribution and a link on their site) no one even asked what the terms were. Except OPJJuly. I put it on his whole site for him in exchange for a link to my theme site.
It sure caused a ruckus but brought out who is actually writing their codes.
lol all we ask is, if our code is passed out, that the donor say either (I got this code from Rainbow Constructions) or (I fgot this code form the Ning Directory)....just common decency.

Skemaholics Anonymous said:
Ok, I admit I was trying to keep this all to myself, lol.
I would have shared with anyone who asked, and people did ask but the minute I said it came with additional terms (IE Attribution and a link on their site) no one even asked what the terms were. Except OPJJuly. I put it on his whole site for him in exchange for a link to my theme site.
It sure caused a ruckus but brought out who is actually writing their codes.
Hi could I change like that in wall new discussion too?



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