Middle English warloghe, from Old English w rloga, oath-breaker : w r, pledge; see w r -o- in Indo-European roots + -loga, liar (from l ogan, to lie; see leugh- in Indo-European roots).]

Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company
The commonly accepted etymology derives warlock from the Old English wǣrloga meaning "oathbreaker" or "deceiver." A derivation from the Old Norse varð-lokkur, "caller of spirits," has also been suggested; however, the Oxford English Dictionary considers this etymology inadmissible.
The Oxford English Dictionary also provides the following meanings of the word: Warlock v1 Obs. (ex. dial.) rare, also warloke: To secure (a horse) as with a fetterlock. Warlock v2: To bar against hostile invasion.
Source (Wikipedia Online)
Webster’s New Pocket Dictionary page 364 lists the word “warlock” to mean wizard or male witch.
There has been quite a bit of controversary over the word “warlock” and what it means. If we are to take the word in its literal form mentioned above according to the Wikidepida and what most of us know about the word generally speaking then we’re all wrong as accordng to the Oxford English Dictionary because it has nothing to do with breaking oaths.
Many practitioners of the modern religion of Wicca do not use the word warlock to identify or self-identify, as explained by Wren Walker (1999), who states that "...self-identifying Wiccans consider it a pejorative term, meaning 'oath-breaker'."In some forms of Traditional Satanism, possibly with its strong association to counter-cultural "shock value," the term "warlock" is also embraced and employed as the primary title for a male member of the group.
Source (Wikipedia online)
So if we were to take it in the sense that it does indeed mean “oathbreaker” then it would be safe to say that anyone back in the day of the early Christian church would be considered “a warlock” because being a witch, or anyone who practiced the arts of spell casting, divination, or the like would be breaking the oath against the Christian church.
According to the Arcade Dictionary of Word Origins, by John Ayto, Arcade Publishing, 1991: "Etymologically, a *warlock* is a 'liar on oath', and hence a 'traitor' or 'deceiver'."
My question to you is- How do you feel about the word coming to mean a male witch?


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