Predestined by God
  • Female
  • Whitewright, TX
  • United States
  • Religion
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Predestined by God's Friends

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  • Haitians United for Haiti
  • Tips by Alex/JenSocial
  • The Dusk Spot
  • Racheal Stribling
  • Lisa Henry
  • Writer Chick
  • Women Support Women
  • DFW Homeschool Cafe
  • Center Mark Ministries, Inc.
  • God's Messengers Ministry
  • Christian Women Affiliate
  • Apostle Cauline E Thomas-Brown

Predestined by God's Discussions

Is It Possible To Hide More Than One Page On A Public Site?

Started Jan 31, 2015 0 Replies

My site is public. However, I have it set to only show the main page to non-members (guests), which is the ONLY page they get to see unless they sign up to become members (so, I don't really know how…Continue

Leaderboard Not Working

Started this discussion. Last reply by Predestined by God Jan 27, 2015. 2 Replies

Has Leaderboard been shut down or removed by Ning? My leader board is completely empty and doesn't update. Any 411 that I may need to know? I'm still a 2.0 user and loving it :)Continue

Tags: board, leader, leaderboard

Does Anyone Know How To Remove or Hide the Tagline?

Started this discussion. Last reply by JenSocial Jan 29, 2015. 4 Replies

The tagline space, which is the WHITE SPACE between my BLACK HEADER and my BLUE NAVIGATOR is getting on my last ningaling. Can anyone paH-leeze tell me how to remove it? Thanks in advance! Picture…Continue

Tags: tagline

Are there any new Ning 3.0 sites for viewing?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Predestined by God Mar 28, 2014. 6 Replies

Is it possible to view some samples of Ning 3.0 sites in the meanwhile so that we can get an idea of what we are headed for?Thanks!Continue

Profile Information

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Owner's Name
Narda Goodson
Website/Blog Name
Predestined by God
Website Language
Social Website/Blog Address
Website Category
Website Subcategory
Women in Ministry
Website Tags (please separate tags with a comma, phrases in quotes) i.e. videos,entertainment,"entertainment videos"
support, empowerment, God, mentoring, growth, Christian, women, blog, authors, writers, Bible, Jesus, study
About Website
Predestined by God Christian network teaches and directs women to finding their purpose and destiny through faith, hope, and God's Word.

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Predestined by God's Page

What's New?

Predestined by God posted a status
"Hi my Jen, Q U E E N of Ning! How are you? I've missed youuuuuuu <3 <3 <3"
Nov 22, 2021
Predestined by God updated their profile
Jan 19, 2021
Predestined by God commented on JenSocial's blog post Message from Ning CEO - January 4, 2017
"Hi my sweet friend, Jen. Happy New Year! How are you?"
Jan 19, 2021

About Narda

Columnist and former First Lady of Whitewright, Texas, Narda Goodson is a well-known inspirational soloist and speaker for conferences and women's groups across the United States. To look at her today, one would never guess the terrain of her journey. Her teachings are said to be powerfully anointed, real, insightful, encouraging, and life giving.As a full-time Christian author and speaker and through her own experience, Narda seeks to direct women to finding their purpose and destiny through faith, hope, and God's Word.Speaking styles include from innovative musicals to humorous storytelling with rousing inspirational and purpose driven messages. Narda has the anointing and gift of weaving together Scriptures, stories, songs, and music to communicate truth, and as she speaks, she integrates personal accounts and draws off life and writing experiences, which includes her first book WILL THE REAL ME, PLEASE STAND UP! and articles for newspapers and newsletters on many topics related to Christian living.Whether it is a workshop, a breakfast or luncheon, a women’s gathering, or a sanctuary setting, Narda enjoys sharing the Word of God to women from all walks of life. 

Narda Goodson 

Official Website: Narda Goodson Ministries

24/7 Radio: His Royal Diadems Radio

Women's Network: Predestined by God

Teen Network: DIVA Drops©-Damsels in Virtuous Attire™

Government: First Ladies of the Round Table


Facebook: @nardagoodson @willtherealmepleasestandup

Twitter @nardagoodson





Comment Wall (10 comments)

You need to be a member of JenSocial: Social Web Directory and Ning Tips to add comments!

At 9:50pm on January 26, 2015, JenSocial said…

You wild child, just love your spirit! Your new profile pic reminds me of my little purple/plum PT Cruiser, I had for years.

At 6:04am on September 9, 2011, Predestined by God said…
I've been MIA for almost three months. On my iPhone and can't find the quick comment box. Boy have I missed y'all.
At 4:56pm on July 8, 2011, Administrator☼JenSocial said…

Now how did that happen I wonder???? I was in Creators removing friends that don't have a ning site any more but that should have only happened in Creators and not here at Jen's

Glad to be friends, Sisiter

Have a rock

At 3:57am on July 01, 2011, JenSocial gave Predestined by God a gift
A small token to express my appreciation to you for your awesome creativity you have shared on JenSocial. I would like to award you as one of our Official Expert Bloggers - - thank you! ~Jen
At 2:40pm on May 2, 2011, JenSocial said…

I've been on the phone since it happened telling my friends and family, simply amazing. Keep up the awesome work. It's working! Thank you again. I try to stay away from religious and political comments, due to my type of business. But, feel free to share that with your site. I would be honored. ;-)

Be blessed even more than you can imagine,


At 2:04pm on May 2, 2011, JenSocial said…

Yes, I would have to say you and your site are definitely anointed! I want to share with you something that just happened to me, that is truly profound. I won't go into my personal whatevers, we all have them. ;-) But this couldn't have happened at a better time. I was working on a project, and watching the clock (still am). I have to go help with my Mom for 2 nights off the schedule, to cover for my Sister who's property was hit by a tornado. Anyhow, I got up to get a cup of coffee, have not been near your site for a while, had not touched anything in my browser - - all of a sudden beautiful music started playing very very loud over my speakers. I immediately felt the holy spirit, but didn't know what was going on. I will tell this story for a long time to come, Dear. Anyhow, somehow my browser went to your home page, and "Power of Your Love" was playing.

Thank you. Thank you Father. I needed that.

God Bless,


At 12:15pm on September 04, 2010, JenSocial gave Predestined by God a gift
A gift as a small token to express my appreciation to our Official Greeters - - thank you! ~ Jen
At 6:44am on March 22, 2010, Help Moms Stop The Murders gave Predestined by God a gift
At 3:26pm on February 9, 2010, JenSocial said…
In response to your friendship request, my pleasure - - and I want to say, Happy you are here! I hope you enjoy the site!
Best to you,
At 3:26pm on February 1, 2010, Administrator☼JenSocial said…
Welcome Thank you for adding your Ning Network to the Ning Directory. In order to maximise attention to your Network, please change your Member Name to your Network Name
and your Member Photo to your Network Logo. If you have already done this, thank you. THIS WILL HELP GET YOUR NETWORK NOTICED BY VISITORS, AND IS REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN MEMBERSHIP. Don't forget to add your Ning Networks to THE LIST, I wish you and your Ning Network, tremendous success! And I hope that the Ning Directory is both rewarding to you and your Network. Cheers Deborah Administrator
Dreamcatchers Family {{{ HUGS }}}


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