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Posted by JenSocial on May 7, 2018 at 8:35pm 9 Comments 1 Favorite
Posted by JenSocial on January 6, 2017 at 4:00pm 10 Comments 1 Favorite
Posted by JenSocial on October 22, 2016 at 1:05am 0 Comments 0 Favorites
Posted by JenSocial on September 17, 2016 at 12:00am 26 Comments 1 Favorite
Posted by JenSocial on August 31, 2016 at 3:30pm 13 Comments 0 Favorites
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The Proposed Ammunition Accountability Act
Remember how Osama said that he wasn't going to take your
Guns? Well, it seems that his minions and allies in the
Anti-gun world have no problem with taking your ammo!
The bill that is being pushed in 18 states (including
Illinois and Indiana) requires all ammunition to be encoded
by the manufacture, a data base of all ammunition sales.
So they will know how much you buy and what calibers.
Nobody can sell any ammunition after June 30, 2009
unless the ammunition is coded.
Any privately held un-coded ammunition must be destroyed by
July 1, 2011 (Including hand-loaded ammo). They will
Also charge a .05 cent tax on every round so every box of ammo you
buy will go up at least $2.50 or more! If they can deprive
you of ammo they do not need to take your gun!
Please give this the widest distribution possible and contact your Reps!
It's the ammo, not the guns . . .
I've said for a long time that they wouldn't go for your
Guns, they'd go for your ammo . . . guns have a Constitutional
Protection. Ammo does not. A list of states where this legislation
is pending is in the final paragraph. Not in CO yet, they'll go
where the pansies are first.
Heads up to all of you who swore to defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign AND domestic. Let your state Legislatures know that we do
Not want this bill passed, and petition them to vote no on this bill. We should keep after them until the bill is closed by bombarding them with e-mails,
Phone calls and letters.
Get to all your politicians to get to work and NOT LET THIS HAPPEN!!!
The 2008 Legislative session has begun, and the Ammunition Accountability
Act is being introduced across the country. Below is a list of the
PANSY states where legislation has already been introduced:
Alabama, Arizona,
California, Connecticut,
Hawaii, Illinois,
Kentucky, Maryland,
Mississippi, Missouri,
New Jersey, New York,
Pennsylvania, Rhode Island,
South Carolina, Tennessee, and
Status of pending bills in these states is at:
samba wrote:
The fact that gun sales are off the chart shows us that these people
Do not trust their own government. At what point did government
Cease to serve the people instead of themselves? That would be a
Good question to when things started to go wrong. Even my parents who are
Lifelong democrats at 66 years old both now want guns; my dad has never
Owned a gun in my lifetime. There is not just a general distrust towards
Osama but our system as a whole has become anti-American and has become
Tyrannous against true free markets; free speech and gun rights are the
Next on the plate of the collectivists.
The gun is a symbol of not just true Americanism, but rugged individualism,
and the spirit of "Don’t tread on me" from the founders of the constitution.
It also is the force that defends individual liberty.
Obama has already spoke at length about 'flaws' the constitution has. I
have no doubt he will attempt to disarm citizens.
It was Jefferson who knew that citizens themselves
Were the only last resort in overthrowing a tyrannous government; and as our government?
becomes larger and more communistic, we will someday need these guns to
defend ourselves.
What bothers me is that the school education system does not really
educate American students on what liberty means, or what it is
really about; the school system more focuses on collectist ideas to
create a false sense of a utopian community.
Please stand up for the true Americans and yourselves, go get not just
one gun, but a gun for everyone in your household who is of age to use
one safely and lock them up at night. Defend yourself, defend your
freedom, and let our out of control federal government know that you
Are armed.
A wise man once said, "A good defense is the best offense"
You will be able to Ride in style and in comfort in our new model four passenger Lincoln Town Cars. All cars are 2003 or newer, and it's economically priced, it's today's taxi. Stretch out and enjoy the ride in style. Our fleet of limousines can take you or your group to and from the airport, or out on the town. Let us do the driving for you, your staff, family or friends. Whether it's just you or your group we will offer the most practical and Economical solutions to get them where they want to go. Because we are aware that your time is very valuable, let us do the work.
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Wishing you happy holidays!Weekend Comments
Together as "ONE" we can be the change we want to see in the world!
Changing Lives,
Gerald Simmons
Directory of Ning Networks Staff Member
Legal As One Motivational Network
click picture to view our Motivational Network!

Welcome to the Directory of Ning Networks! I thought I would take a minute and introduce myself to other members here. I am so glad we've been brought together this way and look forward to sharing ideas, learning from one another and, above all, making it easier for folks to find us and ultimately sharing our networks! I'm sure you are, too, and would love it if you would pass on this site information to other Network Creators. The more communities, the more visibility for all of us. Take care and I hope you have a wonderful day, Suzie Directory of Ning Networks Staff Member /Suzie/Owner: Pet Lovers Paradise PS - Just a tip: To help get your Network more attention, when Community Seekers are searching through the Communities - - it is recommended that you change your Member Name to your Network Name, and your Member Photo to your Network Logo. If your personal name and photo, are representing your Network, then that's great! Also, don't forget to add your Ning Networks toTHE LIST. You can add multiple Ning Networks under one member account. Be sure to close Discussion/Listing, if you don't want commenting.
Thank you for adding your Ning Network to the Directory. In order to maximize attention to your Network, when Community Seekers are searching through our Communities - - please change your Member Name to your Network Name: Marlene's My-Web's Social/ Business Network, and your Member Photo to your Network Logo. If your personal name and photo are representing your Network, then that's great! When you change your member name here on the Directory, it should not effect any of your other Ning accounts/networks.
Don't forget to add your Ning Networks to THE LIST. You can add multiple Ning Networks under one member account. Be sure to close Discussion/Listing, if you don't want commenting. Note: Limit 2 Listings per Ning Network.
Also, we have added 20 new Groups, based on Categories. Be sure to add your Network to the appropriate Group. Same guidelines as THE LIST, limit joining 2 of the special Category Groups, per Ning Network.
We have also created a cross-reference Group on Ning Network Creators. This will help in getting us noticed by Network Creators who don't know about us yet, it will help in Search Engine Optimization, AND we will have even more links coming to the Ning Directory and to your Ning Networks. All you need to do, to contribute and be included, is join this Group and add your badge:
I hope the Directory is both rewarding to you and your Network!
I'M ALL NING! What about you?
Best to you,