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Add Member Account Box Links/Notifications to NingBar, and Hide Account Box - - Saving Space Above Fold (Collaborative Efforts: Jen and Elson)
There are now 3 versions of this code.
Notes: #1 taking the least amount of space in Custom Code Box, and #3 taking the most space (but offers the most features):
What Will This Code Do For Your Network?
Version #1, No Icons, No Notifications (Just Links):
<!-- NingBar Navigation Links for Member Account Box -->
.lsep { margin:10px 2px 0;float:left;color:#ccc;font-size:110%; }
.account-links { display:none!important; }
.ningbarlink a { text-decoration:underline!important; }
<script type="text/javascript">
if (ning.CurrentProfile != null ) {
var NingBarLinks = '<li class="ningbarlink"><a href="/profiles/message/listInbox">Inbox</a></li>' + '<span class="lsep">|</span>'
+ '<li class="ningbarlink"><a href="/profiles/message/listAlerts">Alerts</a></li>' + '<span class="lsep">|</span>'
+ '<li class="ningbarlink"><a href="/profiles/friend/list?my=1">Friends</a></li>' + '<span class="lsep">|</span>'
+ '<li class="ningbarlink"><a href="/main/invitation/new">Invite</a></li>' + '<span class="lsep">|</span>'
+ '<li class="ningbarlink"><a href="/profiles/settings/editProfileInfo">Settings</a></li>';
x$('#xn_bar #xn_bar_menu #xn_bar_menu_tabs').prepend(NingBarLinks);
<!-- End NingBar Navigation Links -->
Version #2 No Notifications (Icons and Links):
The safest method of copying code below - - copy/paste from this text file: AddMemberAccountLinks_NingBarIcons.txt
<!-- NingBar Navigation Links for Member Account Box -->
.lsep { margin:10px 2px 0;float:left;color:#ccc;font-size:110%; }
.account-links { display:none!important; }
.ningbarlink a { text-decoration:underline!important; }
.ningbarlink img { padding-top:3px; }
<script type="text/javascript">
if (ning.CurrentProfile != null ) {
var NingBarLinks = '<li class="ningbarlink"><a href="/profiles/message/listInbox"><img alt="Inbox" src="">Inbox</a></li>' + '<span class="lsep">|</span>'
+ '<li class="ningbarlink"><a href="/profiles/message/listAlerts"><img alt="Alerts" src="">Alerts</a></li>' + '<span class="lsep">|</span>'
+ '<li class="ningbarlink"><a href="/profiles/friend/list?my=1"><img alt="Friends"src="" width="16">Friends</a></li>' + '<span class="lsep">|</span>'
+ '<li class="ningbarlink"><a href="/main/invitation/new"><img src="" width="16">Invite</a></li>' + '<span class="lsep">|</span>'
+ '<li class="ningbarlink"><a href="/profiles/settings/editProfileInfo"><img src="" width="16">Settings</a></li>';
x$('#xn_bar #xn_bar_menu #xn_bar_menu_tabs').prepend(NingBarLinks);
<!-- End NingBar Navigation Links -->
Version #3, Everything (Courtesy of Elson) Icons, Links, and Notifications:
The safest method of copying code below - - copy/paste from this text file: AddMemberAccountLinks_NingBarIcons_ElsonsNotifications.txt
<!-- NingBar Navigation Links for Member Account Box -->
.lsep { margin:10px 2px 0;float:left;color:#ccc;font-size:110%; }
.account-links { display:none!important; }
.ningbarlink a { text-decoration:underline!important; }
.ningbarlink img { margin-top:7px!important; }
<script type="text/javascript">
var getinbox;
var getalert;
var getrequest;
if (ning.CurrentProfile != null ) {
getinbox = x$('.xj_messages_present .xj_count_unreadMessages').html();
getalert = x$('.xj_alerts_present .xj_count_unreadAlerts').html();
getrequest = x$('.xj_count_friendRequestsReceived .xj_multiple_friend_requests a').html();
var NingBarLinks = '<li id="ninbox" class="ningbarlink"><a href="/profiles/message/listInbox"><img alt="Inbox" src="">Inbox</a></li>' + '<span class="lsep">|</span>'
+ '<li id="nalert" class="ningbarlink"><a href="/profiles/message/listAlerts"><img alt="Alerts" src="">Alerts</a></li>' + '<span class="lsep">|</span>'
+ '<li id="nfriends" class="ningbarlink"><a href="/profiles/friend/list?my=1"><img alt="Friends"src="" width="16">Friends</a></li>' + '<span class="lsep">|</span>'
+ '<li class="ningbarlink"><a href="/main/invitation/new"><img src="" width="16">Invite</a></li>' + '<span class="lsep">|</span>'
+ '<li class="ningbarlink"><a href="/profiles/settings/editProfileInfo"><img src="" width="16">Settings</a></li>';
x$('#xn_bar #xn_bar_menu #xn_bar_menu_tabs').prepend(NingBarLinks);
var ninboxa = x$('#ninbox a').html();
var nalerta = x$('#nalert a').html();
var nfriendsa = x$('#nfriends a').html();
if(getinbox > '0') x$('#ninbox a').html(ninboxa + ' ( ' + getinbox + ' ) ');
if(getalert > '0') x$('#nalert a').html(nalerta + ' ( ' + getalert + ' ) ');
if(getrequest.indexOf( 'xj_count') <= 0) x$('#nfriends a').html(nfriendsa + ' ' + getrequest);
<!-- End NingBar Navigation Links -->
NOTE: The Inbox Notification doesn't show up until a refresh or going to new page.
It took some careful thought to create this tip, like would it affect any other code, etc...Please let me know if this causes any issues.
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A special thanks to Elson for adding the code for notifications!
I hope you all enjoy this tip!
Hey Mr Schmooze, your links look great! Can you share how you placed the icons in there? And what happens in the admin view when you have the 2 admin links in the upper left?
This is a great tip, Jen. But man, Mr. Schmooze your Ning bar looks great!
The icons are the best, just wanted to get it out there, and open the door of possibilities. Yours looks great!
Okay All,
I have added an icon version, and hope you like it.
Wow, you rock Jen! Quick question - is there any way to remove the sign in box altogether and not just the links? Once I added the above code I still have an empty box displaying my username...
Cool, happy you like it. Icons can be so tacky sometimes. I really tried to keep it Classic looking and easy to spot.
On your request, I thought about that, and didn't think anyone would want to hide the username, because the notification for comments is below it. I'll check and write back soon. I'm certain we can, but don't want to adversely affect other things like "Sign-up".
Best Regards,
ahhh interesting, wasn't quite sure how it worked outside of what I was seeing on my homepage logged in as myself... thanks!
This should be safe to hide header/username. Make sure nothing important is hidden when signed out.
#xg_module_account .xg_module_head {display:none!important;}
Hey Jen!
Amazing tip!!!!
The Notifications do not appear in the top.
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