There are many codes out there that look nicer, or do other things, but this code is FREE. To use, put your images where it says to in the code below, and repeat the following:
for each image you want to insert.
Go into your language editor for the language your site uses, and search "leave a comment for". The first result should be "leave a comment for %s". Just pop the entire code right in that box, under the text already there, and save. The smileys won't show on your page, but will show when you go to leave a comment for someone else. The script is courtesy of Alex King, and can be found here. As with all modifications to the text editor, use caution. There is a button to reset to the original text, but you will lose any other changes you have made. I am not sure how much bandwidth this uses, but be advised that it WILL use bandwidth.


Views: 129

Replies to This Discussion

Oops...the code did not show for some it is! Sorry about that!
Make sure you put images in....smiley code won't work without smilies!
4th try, LOL!!! Tip: when adding HTML code to discussions, replace all < with & lt; and all > with & gt; - - and it will show correctly in most cases. I usually attach a file too. NO SPACE AFTER THE &. I had to add space, so you could see what I'm trying to show you, LOL!

Rainbow Construction said:
Oops...the code did not show for some it is! Sorry about that!
lol I gotcha! I never saw that posted before, but it makes Frontpage does that automatically, and drives me insane!

Ning Directory said:
4th try, LOL!!! Tip: when adding HTML code to discussions, replace all < with & lt; and all > with & gt; - - and it will show correctly in most cases. I usually attach a file too. NO SPACE AFTER THE &. I had to add space, so you could see what I'm trying to show you, LOL!

Rainbow Construction said:
Oops...the code did not show for some it is! Sorry about that!



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