You can add a quick message below or above your main menu tabs, by adding this code to your Analytics Box. This is a nice way to leave a daily message for your members. You can add text, images and hyperlinks, but javascript won't work - - to-date.

Note: This tip is similar to our previous tip for adding Text Message below the menu. But, this is cleaner, and also enables you to add Text above the menu tabs.

Please be sure to copy/paste with care. Do not change anything but your text. Make sure there is no line feed (return) before the end /DIV>'); tag.

You will find an attached text file for each case.

Here's the code if you can't see the attached text files.

Above Menu Bar:
<script type="text/javascript">
x$(document).ready(function() {
// Insert a DIV Before the Navigation/Menu Bar module:
x$("#xg_navigation").before('<div align="center" class="xg_module">Add Your Text Here.</div>');

Below Menu Bar:
<script type="text/javascript">
x$(document).ready(function() {
// Insert a DIV After the Navigation/Menu Bar module:
x$("#xg_navigation").after('<div align="center" class="xg_module">Add Your Text Here.</div>');

Views: 379


Replies to This Discussion

My pleasure, Robert! ;-) Thank you for being a part of the NingDir!

The POZIAM Community said:
Ah... that might be it... let me try .... thanks Jen I love your site and recommend it my fellow NC;s.. Thank you for this space ... Robert
Anyone help? Jen? please? my code for adding text above and below the nav bar is not working, its just blank there.
l still can not see the attachments. Did you use notepad or some other files, l can not see no codes at all.
This is such a simple tip to follow, but so deeply useful! I'd like to add "Visit us on Facebook and Twitter" with the words Facebook and Twitter being hyperlinked to the relevant pages on those sites. How do I include a hyperlink?
Looks like you figured it out! Good job!

For anyone else who wants to add your Facebook and Twitter Links:

Be sure to change to your accounts. This code will add the links above the menu bar.

<script type="text/javascript">
x$(document).ready(function() {
// Insert a DIV Before the Navigation/Menu Bar module:
x$("#xg_navigation").before('<div align="center" class="xg_module">Visit us on <a href="" target="_blank">Facebook</a> and <a href="" target="_blank">Twitter</a>.</div>');
This is so cool but how do I change the font color to white so it shows up? The color used is blue and its too dark for my background.
I'm not assigning color within the DIV. The color is on your Network for the xg_module class.
Try this, I've added white font color to the main div:
<div align="center" class="xg_module" style="color:#ffffff!important;">Add Your Text Here.</div>

Don't forget to add all of the code, for whichever (above/below) you're adding. Just change the div and end div, to my changes above.

Let me know if that works.
Is it possible to add scrolling effect to this code...when added above or below the menu tabs
HI jen,

thanks for replying and posting this link.....however, I wanted to know, if it is possible to use this marquee code to the code that is given above..there fore I could use this feature to keep members updated with latest features and also announce some contest winners name etc....

I hope that I am making sense....

Adrian :) reply so far..... :(
Hi Adrian,
Sorry, I haven't had time to try it. I'm not sure if the code for marquee would blow up with the code above. Why don't you give it a try, and see? Otherwise, when I can, I will, and let you know.



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