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AANA Administration
  • Female
  • Gloucester City, NJ
  • United States
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AANA (Marie Daley)
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Awareness Site (Non-profit)
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Autism, AANA, Awareness
About Website
Community network built to bridge the current existing gaps in communication with Autism.

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AANA Administration's Page

About AANA and I

To start off I am a mother, and can make no claims of being anything other. I am a strong supporter and advocate of my children, no matter the cause. The purpose in my life is to raise them to be adults with morals, values, and a strong enough character to face this world without me.

My other purpose is to do my part in helping the world accept the many differences that everyone has, like Autism, and other developmental disabilities.

Autism is nothing more than an alien that has kidnapped many, ripping lives apart and causing unnecessary problems. It is not the person, the person is your child, your brother, your sister, your neighbor, your best friend or simply someone you have passed on the street.

Learn about this and become an advocate, so when the many children become adults, the world is a better and more understanding world.

Thanks for becoming a supporter of our efforts to make this small change in the world.

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AANA Administration's Blog

A Little about me personally

Posted on May 24, 2010 at 9:27pm 1 Comment

Yes sadly this is me

Yes I am easily amused and can make myself rather happy alone with my camera. LMAO.

Anywho, I am a mother of entirely to many children and love them all just as much as any mother can. I am…


Hello Everyone

Posted on May 24, 2010 at 9:00pm 1 Comment

We are rather new to network creation but feel we have a great start but always willing to learn and grow. I was directed by a good friend of mine here to assist in gaining the necessary knowledge to do this. I cannot wait to meet members of the community. Also if you want to stop by my network and have suggestions feel free to let me in on them.


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At 4:22pm on May 24, 2010, Administrator☼JenSocial said…
Hi AANA Administration, Welcome to the JenSocial Network Directory, formerly a 3rd party Ning Directory - - now open to all Social Networking platforms. We're happy to have you! You may want to change your member profile name and icon, to reflect and promote your Social Network. You can change these settings via: Settings/Profile. Feel free to promote your Social Network by adding your Social Network to our
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