Headline News provided by SkyNews. This player will fit in your left hand column. It defaults to 'mute', so not to startle your members and site visitors.
Open attached text file, for object source.
It will not play in a Ning Discussion. I will insert the code, just so you can see the size of the player.

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Replies to This Discussion

The SkyNews Code would go into a Ning TEXT BOX. Go to Manage/Features. Drag a new text box from the left, to the right (represents your home page). Click on SAVE. Then, go to your home page and EDIT the new Text Box. Paste the SkyNews TV code into the text box, and click SAVE. BTW, this will fit perfect in your left hand column.

Exact same scenario on the Scroll Text message. Feel free to holler at me again, if I didn't answer well enough. I may have to leave office for a few hours, soon. But, be back tonight.

~*~Medicine Man~*~ said:
Hello, I Hate To Bother You, I Open The Attachments (SkyNewsTVCode,txt) Does it go into the RSS, or it Goes into the CSS, in Advanced... And The Scoll text Message Too, Sorry just a Dummy Here!!
Hello and thank you for this tip. I followed adding a text box to my home page, then clicked edit, pasted the code into the text box, titled it Sky News, saved it, but when I see it on the homepage, I don't get any effect. Just have the blank text box there titled Sky News. Is there a time frame for it to show up? Don't get the problem so I need help on what the error or delay could be.

Let me look at your page. I'll get back to you soon. It should have shown up immediately. What browser are you using?
Shalom said:
Hello and thank you for this tip. I followed adding a text box to my home page, then clicked edit, pasted the code into the text box, titled it Sky News, saved it, but when I see it on the homepage, I don't get any effect. Just have the blank text box there titled Sky News. Is there a time frame for it to show up? Don't get the problem so I need help on what the error or delay could be.

I can't check your code, due to private network. If you copied and pasted the code from the attached text file, it should have shown up immediately. Please email me if there's something I'm missing. a-ha! Just thought of something. Can you see the player on the Ning Directory home page? Please answer this, then I may have solution.

Shalom said:
Hello and thank you for this tip. I followed adding a text box to my home page, then clicked edit, pasted the code into the text box, titled it Sky News, saved it, but when I see it on the homepage, I don't get any effect. Just have the blank text box there titled Sky News. Is there a time frame for it to show up? Don't get the problem so I need help on what the error or delay could be.

It works great, now l have it. l love it.
This works on both side of the main page. It is some smaller but it will work great on the right hand side also.
Hi All,
It's fine to place this in the right column. But, I want you to be aware of this. When you place on the right side, above the line under features, where it shows on all pages, it slows down your page loads - - a little. It's best to either place it on the left, or below the line, so it only shows on the home page in the right column. If you look under features, it will indicate what right column boxes show on all pages.
Best to you,
Fantasyland said:
This works on both side of the main page. It is some smaller but it will work great on the right hand side also.
i am moving it over to the other side
Seriously, probably a good idea. Cause it runs continuously. And reloading that for each page, not a real good thing to do.

Fantasyland said:
i am moving it over to the other side
;-) Read what I stated about page loads, and probably best in left column.

~*~Medicine Man~*~ said:
Thank You So Very Much Jen, After I Set Up The Text Box on The Right Side, It Work Perfect. Tell Your Husband To Give You A Big HUG For Me!!!
ummmm, interesting.

~*~Medicine Man~*~ said:
What So Funny My Page Would Load up Very Slow Before I Download The Player In The Right Side, Now It Load Up Real Fast Now, In Some Way It Help It??.. Thank You For Your Help..

Hi Jen, is i possible to make the sky player not always be on top? So when a menu or something opens that is infront of the player?



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