I wanted to wait until the full release with the features I use most, such as events and take advantage of the migration tools, but I am getting antsy, thinking I should at least start learning the design navigation and thinking about a new look.  

I see lots of comments on 3.0, are most of you just doing the "sandbox" site or are you already switched to 3.0?

Are you glad you have it early, or is it just frustrating?

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Hi GirlRiders,

I think the majority of NCs we've known a while, are just in the sandbox. I do suggest that you go ahead and get a sandbox site and start playing around. I do get frustrated due to things missing that should be finished, and really more small things than big features. It's like Ning has overlooked some of the most important small things that add up to big things. It does get better and better.

All-in-all, I greatly enjoy designing 3.0 sites, have probably designed and completed more 3.0 sites than any other approved Ning Solution Provider: NingCustomDesigns. =) So far we've only added 3 to the Portfolio due to Private sites and non-disclosures.

The ability to build multiple modules is paramount. It lends a ton of power, and really only limited by one's own creativity.

Best of luck!


I need more then Luck, l will need you 100%

;-) You can do it. Did you start a sandbox yet?

It's a bit of a roller coaster ride. I started in the sandbox for my main network and have recently opened an actual site for another subject matter. Depending on your frustrations with 2.0 you will either love it or be left scratching your head.

I think the biggest thing is to keep an open mind. It is a somewhat familiar / completely new platform. The way you think some things should work is not always the case. However, the flexibility is soooooo much better. You have to play with it to understand, but I will say that it's not straight forward. On one hand, I rebuilt the majority of my old network in a few days! On the other hand, I just had to rework my old codes to work with the new platforms CSS classes (and wait for them to give us some more).

If you are looking for a cookie cutter site (and I know your site isn't)... you can make one in 2 seconds...but you will feel like you are missing a lot. With the new flexibility, they don't force you to have everything. They allow you to customize individual pages like you would the main page of our 2.0. Add what you want in multiple areas. So, it comes together nicely once you start adding the content you want to each respective page or section.

I have spent a lot of time saying "This is a pain....what the hell", but have spent more time saying "Sweet! I never knew I could do that!".

I think that it will be a great platform as long as they continue to make improvements. I'm liking it more and more each day (it makes me hate my 2.0 now). Get in the sandbox. It will take some getting used to,but it grows on you. As always, many of us here are here to help. Good luck! :)


Thank you for this wonderful share and review!

Best Regards,


Np :)

I am still waiting until this new re-launch will be ready, completely.

These days I informed all my members with this broadcast message:

Hi friends

4 new updates:

1.) new tagline: "a common space & data base for harmonic overtones based on ning" (ning means in China "Peace") - and ning.com is the space where our data is hosted in Palo Alto, California. Do you agree with this new tagline?

2.) I am still waiting for the new outstanding NING 3.0

3.) I am still checking out our member profiles. If you are an overtone singer / composer, musician etc. - don't be worry - you free OMN lifetime account will not be deleted. But if you are just a lurker for over one year and more nad didn't update your profile questions - it could be possible that you have to re-sign up this network. Here are our TOS

4.) Let me know if you have an own fb musician fanpage. I like to add your's to this page https://www.facebook.com/overtone.network ! Just send a link of your own fb musician fanpage to share@overtone.cc

5. Please add our admin account to your friendlist on OMN. If you do that; i will see that you are still alive.



I send this because I know that you can choose different options which members can migrate and which one not. So I am cleaning my domain (=house) until the migration tool seems to be perfect.

Thanks for the advice all, I think I will give the Sandbox a try, hopefully the chafing won't be too painful.  :)

Ok, I have what must be a really stupid question, because I don't see that anyone else asked it on the "add url" thread.  I know I've been on autopilot for a while and may be missing the obvious, but where are they getting those url's setup?  Its not their current one correct?

Thanks! Katie

Hey GirlRiders:

I don't want to use a sandbox now .... because I need a product which is ready and not one, which  could waste my time ...but to use one could be nice for playing with CSS and HTML or  jquery and other scripts.

I found the full instructions, finally.  



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