Remove hyperlink from Network Name and set custom landing page in standard account

Hi Jen,

I need some advice! Our network is, and I would like to keep the Network name in the header, but remove the hyperlink from it.

Also, is there a way to set another page as the default landing page in a free account? I have a page I want as the landing page set as the first tab, and the "main" page is supposed to be visible to admins only, but when people sign in, they get sent to the page I don't want them to see (for now...they will be able to see it later when our online event begins).

Any help would be awesome, thank you!

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To remove the hyperlink you would need to upload network as a background, and will probably need to tweak some CSS, the latter can be a bit of a challenge.

There is no way to set another page to Landing Page within Ning unless you're on the Pro Account.



I'm ok with tweaking the CSS - I've already done a bit of it. We are going Pro for the month we have the event only, so I will be able to reset the landing page once I upgrade the account with the understanding that when we drop back to a regular account it will not be possible?


Correct. You can only assign a Landing Page if you have File Editor. And, that's only in Pro Accounts, best I remember. I'm so deep in Ning 3.0, forgetting my Ning 2.0 skills! =) Hopefully someone will correct me if I'm wrong.



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