Add Special Content or Ad to Bottom or Top - All Forum Discussions

Have you ever wanted to add Google Adsense or special content to the bottom of your Forums? This tip will show you how.

Related Tip for Blogs: Add Special Content or Ad to Bottom or Top - All Blogs


This is the type of quality tip you will find in the JenSocial VIP Club, and so much more!



  • If you are adding a Google Adsense Ad:
  • The best size is 468 by 60 or 468 by 15.
  • Make sure you do not have more than 2 other Google Ads showing on entire page. Google has a limit of 3 per page.
  • Edit the code below, and replace "Your Google Adsense, Content, or Other Ads GO HERE. " with your content or Google Adsense code.
  • Add edited code to your Custom Code Box via: My Network/Tools/Custom Code
  • Alternate location: To add to top of Forum Discussions, instead of bottom: change after to before.
<!-- Special Ad or Content Bottom of All Forum Discussions/ Code Provided by Do not remove credit. -->
<div id="tmp_insideforum" style="display:none;">
Your Google Adsense, Content, or Other Ads GO HERE.
<script type="text/javascript">
if (typeof(x$) != 'undefined') {
x$(".xg_widget_forum_topic_show div.discussion div.description").after('<div id="insideforum"></div>');
var t_insideforumCode = document.getElementById('tmp_insideforum');
var insideforumCode = document.getElementById('insideforum');
insideforumCode.innerHTML = t_insideforumCode.innerHTML;
<!-- End Special Ad or Content Bottom of All Forums / Code Provided by -->




This is the type of quality tip you will find in the JenSocial VIP Club, and so much more!

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Funny, it sure is. Here's my question though, and maybe you can help me. Even if we have 3 ads in Custom Code Box, what does it matter? It should show all 3. Are we saying this only happens if we have more than 3 installed via Custom Code Box? See what I mean? I have told everyone time and time again (didn't in these tips, sorry), only 3 per site (per custom code box). But of course, ideally, I'd like for you all to be able to add as many as you want, only "showing" 3 at a time.

Thanks for your input,


Also Joe, just so you know - - it's a matter of the Custom Code box more than the page or URL. If Google is taking all scripts from the Custom Code box and counting each block of code as an Ad, that's the problem.

And, this did not happen in the past. I know for a fact I was displaying 3 Google Ads, all via Custom Code Box, and all were being displayed. It has however been sporadic for a while. And as you've noted, apparently it's fairly consistent at this point.

I really hate this. I like for things to be perfect, but sometimes it's just not possible with hacks. I will however continue working on an overall solution.



yes it is a pity that things keep changing this way

as it is complicating everything - also to find what is going wrong needs lot of testing

I have just checked this with Chrome and somehow I am not having problems there


Although it gives me huge heartburn to have anything go wrong, I appreciate you and Anthony both bringing this up. Anthony had written me privately. I believe the bottom line is:

If you add more than 3 Google Ads in your Custom Code Box,  only 3 will be displayed, even if the others are for other pages. I'm going to hire my Developer and see if we can figure out a better way across the board.



This code isn't working for me Jen. Perhaps I'm doing something wrong.

Your thoughts?

By the way, I'm not using AdSense.



I'm seeing an Ad at the top, example here:



I'm seeing now Jen. Thank you. Perhaps it was a cache issue on my end. My apologies.

Great. No problem. =)

Hi Jen

I tried to put this code on forum, but ad didn´t show.

Only show blank space.

Will I be making something incorrect?



Hi Claudio,

What kind of ad are you trying to show?  If it's Google Adsense, they only show up to 3 ads per page.  If you already have 3 ads, they won't show any others on that page.

What's the URL of the forum discussion in the photo you show in your reply above?  I'll take a look if you would like to post the URL here.

Best wishes!



I show goggle adsense ad. In forum i have 1 ad, other in home.

Now, the ad is showing, but sometimes show, sometimes don´t show.

I would send the url, but the network is closed, only home page.

Thank you for answering.



Hi Claudio,

When using these tips to add Google Ads, as of several months back (if not a year), the Google Ads have become notorious for not showing up 100% of the time. All I've ever been able to figure out: Since we have to add all of the special Ad Insert codes to Custom Code Box, even if we're adding to different pages, Google sees all of our codes as ads. So, for example: if you used a tip to add above forum and below a blog, both of those code blocks would go in custom code box. Sometimes it appears that they count as 2 Ads, instead of just 1 Ad for Forum and 1 Ad for Blogs. So, if you had a Google Ad in a Text Box in sidebar, in the Instant Ad Box in footer, sometimes this would count as 4 ads total. I have high hopes that Ning 3.0 will handle this much better. And our new tips will work all of the time. Especially since Ning has stated we will have access to the <HEAD> tag, soon.

Sorry for this. AND, I can't prove this theory, it could just be Google, period. But, I think this theory is probably accurate.

Best Regards,




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