At one time I had our "Members Online" container a nice size.  Somehow it was changed.  Ideally I'd like to have it NOT overlap the body of the main page.  I am providing 2 screenshots the way it was, and the way it is currently.  Can anyone please tell me what I have done or need to do to restore it to where it doesn't overlap?

I also notice the former way had a black strip at the bottom and the green light was on the left.  The current one has NO black strip and the green light is oin the right side.  I have since changed the color of the tab.

We have a member with a very long name, currently it shows it in it's entirety.  Before it used continuation dots Campb.....  I know that this is possible; it has been done before.  I don't mind this; I'd rather the container did NOT overlap.  This shouldn't be difficult.  Others here may find this useful.  Thanks.



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Hi Scott,

I can only look at mine, since I'm not signed into your site to see code. If we moved it over to right, it would cause your site to scroll off screen, unless your site is really narrow. I'm not sure why it was that way before, and not now.

Here's the code to move that box to right, but again, afraid it will cause site to scroll horizontally, or Members Online will go off screen.

.xg_chat.chatFooter .xg_chatWindow {
left: 40px;


If left doesn't work, use margin-left.

Best Regards,



I shy away from column widths on Ning, even for Design Clients, unless an absolute necessity. It's because of the domino effect. There are so many elements affected when you start changing columns widths. The tweaking gets out of control.

Sorry, wish I had better news,


awww, thanks!




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