Add Special Content or Ad to Bottom or Top - All Forum Discussions

Have you ever wanted to add Google Adsense or special content to the bottom of your Forums? This tip will show you how.

Related Tip for Blogs: Add Special Content or Ad to Bottom or Top - All Blogs


This is the type of quality tip you will find in the JenSocial VIP Club, and so much more!



  • If you are adding a Google Adsense Ad:
  • The best size is 468 by 60 or 468 by 15.
  • Make sure you do not have more than 2 other Google Ads showing on entire page. Google has a limit of 3 per page.
  • Edit the code below, and replace "Your Google Adsense, Content, or Other Ads GO HERE. " with your content or Google Adsense code.
  • Add edited code to your Custom Code Box via: My Network/Tools/Custom Code
  • Alternate location: To add to top of Forum Discussions, instead of bottom: change after to before.
<!-- Special Ad or Content Bottom of All Forum Discussions/ Code Provided by Do not remove credit. -->
<div id="tmp_insideforum" style="display:none;">
Your Google Adsense, Content, or Other Ads GO HERE.
<script type="text/javascript">
if (typeof(x$) != 'undefined') {
x$(".xg_widget_forum_topic_show div.discussion div.description").after('<div id="insideforum"></div>');
var t_insideforumCode = document.getElementById('tmp_insideforum');
var insideforumCode = document.getElementById('insideforum');
insideforumCode.innerHTML = t_insideforumCode.innerHTML;
<!-- End Special Ad or Content Bottom of All Forums / Code Provided by -->




This is the type of quality tip you will find in the JenSocial VIP Club, and so much more!

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I think I'm going to bring my forum back.

Thanks Jen!

Hi P,

Great to see you. Sounds like a good plan. Forums can be great.



Hi Jen 

soz not been in a while great tip i will be sure to add this shortly !

Hope you and family well


Hi Alan!

Long time. I've thought about you and family often. I hope Kirsten is doing much better. Hi to Ryan.




i tried this code but somehow the google advert only appears if I have only 1 other google advert present - so cannot have 3 adverts (all in all) but just 2

for the google blog code it worked fine

any help?


i did further checks and seems the problem is the blog google advert is in conflict with the forum google advert

so my blog google advert is working perfectly

my forum google advert would work perfectly only if i remove the code of the BLOG google advert

somehow the blog google advert is invisible on the forum (so that counts as an advert) plus i have 2 adverts on the side because of this forum advert doesnt appear
 but when i remove the code for Blog is appears

anyone else encountered this problem?

You may have just answered an age old question for me, why they work in some places and not others. It had not hit me that Google was considering the ads as being displayed with display:none. But, it makes sense. We need to add an IF statement to test if actually on Blog pages or Forum pages. I'll do this soon as I can. I may be wrong, but thinking that's the answer.



yes Jen

it seems that the code from the blog even though not visible in the forum it is still there and still being counted as an advert (google has limit of 3)

i was thinking how about merging the code of forum and blog together into 1 code - this should solve the problem - is it possible?

please if you get a solution kindly let me know as I am really interested in this code


Hi Joe,

ahhh, actually I remember this being discussed last year. I had a Developer look at the code, and all was well. I think it's sporadic. Here's what seems to be the problem: the display:none is just hiding the ads. But, this doesn't happen all of the time. I will have to edit many many tips. So, thinking about how to do it, and when.

In regards to putting them together, that type of code is offered in VIP Club.

I'll update this discussion when I figure out which way to go on this. Google strikes once again.



Hi Jen

I dont think it is sporadic actually it is very consistent - people will not have this problem only if on the page they have a total of 2 google adverts

if you have 2 and want to add the third by this code then will have the problem

to further check this i had removed my other google advert to have only 1 advert per page and both forum and blog codes worked fine - this further supports the above hypothesis

The problem is, how Ning reads the Custom Code Box. Let's say I try to rewrite how this is being done, which I have plans to do. When we add a google ad via Custom Code for above header or footer, we can't do it. Those will have to be done via the Instant Ad Boxes. We can only insert Ads via Custom Code Box, when we can test for the page URL.

I'll keep you posted, but no promises.

Best Regards,


it is complicated :S



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