This will widen the first column, hide the right column and change the background color of group description in the specific group page. You may want to adjust the width  and background color to your preference. This code is made for New Design Studio.

Instructions: Be sure to change your group page name as my group page name is classified. How to find the group page name? See example here:

After replacing your group page name, copy and paste the code into custom Code.

You are done!

<script type="text/javascript">
if (window.location.href.split('group/')[1] == 'classified') {

<script type="text/javascript">
if (window.location.href.split('group/')[1] == 'classified?xg_source=activity') {


If you want to change your regular group to classified group or some other kind of group, I'm available for hire or contact me at

Live Preview: Here


Views: 884

Replies to This Discussion

Amazing how the code on Ning gets captured, revamped, passed around, sold, etc...code sure looks familiar. Excellent use of this. =)

Thanks Jen. In fact, I'm inspired by you.

Hi Bernard

I was looking at your site and what you have done
Gave me a lot of inspiration

I was playing with the coding above. And realised it is only for one specified group page.
Do you know how one can turn off the Column 2 for all group pages? So they all look like your Classified Group? Rather than just one individually?


Hi Andrew,

Here is the code.

<script type="text/javascript">
if (x$(".xg_widget_groups_group_show").length > 0){

Thanks so much Bernard

Really appreciated

Just one thing

The code clashes with Jen's Blue Footer at the bottom of the page (The one with JenSocial Directory - Our Community - Private Ning Club)

It forces the box to move off the left hand side of the screen


Can you show me your website that I can take a close look?

Hi Bernard

The site is actually private because it is under construction.

What I have actually decided to do is something different which will work for us.

If you look at Jen's groups pages you will notice she has forced the Members Box to go right down to the bottom of the page.

Because we are not so bothered about people seeing who is a member at the beginning this is fine for us.

This means we can keep Column 2 and be able to have Txt Box Modules in there of our own making

This was easy to do with just adjusting the widths of

.xg_widget_groups .xg_span-12 and .xg_widget_groups .xg_span-4 to suit

It's different for your classified page because you want to see the members of the group easily - hence removing Column 2 altogether.

If you want I can quickly replicate the error which I mentioned and send you a screen shot for your own research

Possibly I can also see if I can see a solution - just a wee bit busy right now!

Have to give my 90yr old Dad his lunch



Why don't you try Jen's tip here

Thanks so much Bernard

Really appreciate your help

Yes I will look at Jen's tip

There are so many tips here!


Hi Bernard!

Is possible change the green color for other like #f5f7fa and reduce size text to 11px???

You are great man!

Hi again!!!

Well, perhaps no 11px but 12-14?? :P




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