Hello all,

I know this help is already here somewhere -- but my attempts to find it have failed.

I've tried searching various keywords but what I am looking for is:

1) how to change my tabs to a single string/bar/menu bar across the page below (like the blue links above that say Home/YOU/Blogs/Directory/ and so on)


2) What simple keywords should I be using to find the tip?!

*FYI, my site: http://englishworldwide.ning.com

*FYI, I have paid for a one year membership to VIP Access here on JenSocial.

Thank you,


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Hi Holly,

If you go to My Network/Settings/Tabs & Pages you will be able to see all of the tabs you have created. If you click on the tab you want to always have visible, look directly under the Tab Name (upper right) and you will see the check box for making it a sub-tab. If you un-check it and save, it will change to a main tab. You will notice that it will move farther to the left in your tabs list than the others (like your Home and Popular Links tabs). You can also change who can see that respective tab there as well if you want.

I hope that's what you were looking for.

Thank you for replying!

...but that's not what I mean.

I seem to lack the words to explain what I mean...

Because my page is still static it's hard for you to know what I mean.

but here's a screenshot (see attached .docx) that will try and show you what I'm talking about.

I know how to create subtabs -- have tweaked them a lot! -- and probably will tweak them more before Feb. 1.

But... I don't want them to appear as they do now -- I want the main tabs to be linked together in a bar as they are on the JenSocial page, as they are on so many sites I visit.

How do you do that??? (again, please see attached)

Further help gratefully appreciated,

Feeling rather dunce-like!,



No worries, now I feel dunce-like:)

I may not be understanding you correctly, but I think it's the theme that you are using (Flashing Lights). I have a similar theme on my network where the tabs are together as apposed to one like Hipster Plaid or Ephemera where they are more individualized. If that's what you mean, then you may want to try a theme that has that kind of style.  Jen is also using the old editor, not design studio. So you may not find an exact match.

Sorry if I'm not helping. I just saw your post & figured I'd chime in. Maybe someone else will chime in if I'm missing something here.

Good luck.

Thanks once again.


Now I may not like that info. It took us a long time to settle on Flashing Lights theme...

Rumor has it that more themes may be forthcoming soon.

I guess I'll 'suffer' and wait for a better solution or a new theme that solves the concern.


I'd really, really hoped to change this before the site goes public (Feb. 1, 2012).

Oh well.

Thanks again, Fire-Tech!

Anyone else with more info, please do advise.

Thank you.

***I did finally find the link I thought would solve my problem:


but it's for adding tabs within text boxes, not in the header tabs area.


I'll keep optimistic that something or someone will offer a solution,


No problem.

I use that tabbed content code as well.

If you are dead set on your theme, keep in mind that you can change anything with CSS. My network doesn't look anything like the theme I'm using. You may be able to get something close to what you want.

The search function doesn't work well. Especially with private Groups like VIP. Look around VIP or Friends Helping Friends groups for anything related to navigation. You might find what you need.

Fire-Tech, I know Ning's search isn't good, never has been. Have you all tried the Google Search on JenSocial? The big button (red folder icon) at top right of all pages labeled: "Search Tips". I have pretty good success with this Search, in addition to the VIP Socrata I was describing to Holly.

Thanks again for being so helpful,


Yeah, I use it and the socrata all the time. I assumed she was using the Ning search. Honestly, I was trying to run out the door but didn't want to leave her hanging. Should have been more descriptive. Sorry couldn't be more help.

Now Holly knows (Now I know) -- the Socrata tool is easy once one understands where / how to use it.

I found three things that way earlier today!

I do try to search all three places now -- here, Creative Ning, and Ning Support.

Thank you,


Glad to hear. Sorry I wasn't more descriptive about the search options. Good to have you here.

Great, Holly!

Best to you,


You kidding? You were great. I appreciate you very much Fire-Tech!

Best Regards,





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