Hello folks. I'm currently have a display problem with my related videos (see pic below).

I would actually like it look like this (see pic below).

I located the code that I need to change in Firegbug in order to make it display as I would like, but now I'm quite stuck on the code I need to implement in the Advanced Code section.

I've spent nights trying to figure it out but it's above my coding skills and understanding.

Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated!

My website is fashioningtech.com.


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Hi Syuzi,

Maybe a fellow Network Creator interested in this type of code can help. This is too deep for the general support I typically try to assist with on the site.

Good luck,


Thanks Jen! 

Anyone willing to help with this coding problem? I'm happy to make a donation for your time. I know I could just hide the Related Videos... but I kinda like them and think it would be a shame to get rid of useful functionality. 

Thanks ahead of time.




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