Many NC's speculated that this would happen and alas, the time has come. Check out GLAM MEDIA TO ACQUIRE NING, THE LEADING PLATFORM FOR CREATING SOCIA... to see what I'm talking about.

I visited the Glam Media website and I am left wondering what this really means for us NC's. According to Jason Rosenthal, "We will continue to provide you with the most powerful platform to create, grow, and manage passionate online communities. Ning will continue as a separate division within Glam. No immediate changes to the team, the product, or the business are planned as a result of this, and we’ll continue on our path of releasing new innovative features to make your Ning sites more successful."


For some reason, I'm a little apprehensive about being excited - how about you??

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If you read all the information about the deal and what's been posted here, you would know that we are not being forced to advertise on our network. That's even how it works on their networks. I'm starting off my fifth network on Ning, and am looking forward to making as much as I can to cover costs and put more money in my pocket. Glam Media are experts at helping people like me do that. 


As far as WOT is concerned, their data is based upon a bunch of morons who have way too much time on their hands, and arbitrarily give sites whatever ratings they choose. McAfee lists GM in the green. When it comes to internet and computer safety and security, I have no use for freeware. 

I trust Thunder's opinion, as well as Jen's.  Both are very optimistic about this acquisition.

If people will read the entire thread (on the forum) they will realize that we are NOT going to be forced to partner with Glam.  I asked specifically because I could care less about ads.  If you want to stay with what you're doing, you can.  If you want to beef up your ad income, then you'd want to at least give the Glam options a look.  It would save people a whole lot of worry if they'd just read the information that has been given freely in the forum thread (unless you are suspended from the forum and are unable to.) 


For those of you who missed it:


Yesterday (Eric): "Yes, any participation in Glam Media's ad network would be entirely optional."


Same thread (Eric):  "You won't have to run any ads you don't want to, and you won't have to participate if you don't want to."


Same thread (John MacDonald):  "We have no plans at this time to change your ownership of the content, members, member data or network data on your networks.  You will continue to have full control over your networks."


Same thread (John MacDonald):  "And thanks for pointing out that networks that don't focus on the female demographic or the fashion vertical will also benefit from the deal with Glam Media.  Althought Glam Media's roots are in the fashion and luxury verticals, they now have a strong presence in other verticals, including for men’s lifestyle, Fantastic Zero for sports and for health and wellness.  We are excited to help NCs focused on other demographic segments achieve much higher CPMs on their networks as well."


Same thread (Eric): "Currently, there are no plans to change any payment structures. One key thing to keep in mind is that you will have new opportunities to monetize your site -- if you wish. Or, you can always continue to use other advertising services."


Same thread (Eric): "I think that you are probably right, Diane, when it comes to this being mostly about business for less business-focused networks. Basically, we're combining one company that does one thing well (custom social networks) with another company that does a complementary thing well (ad networks). We're combining strengths."


Same thread (Eric) for the people who didn't understand it the first time:  "I think the answer to your question is that this will provide you with the opportunity -- the choice -- to participate in an ad network that could be more profitable for you. Or, you can just continue to do what you're doing." 


Sorry if I'm coming across as a smart aleck, but if your network means something to you, then it's worth five minutes of your time to read the entire thread, especially the responses that NING employees give.  I think they've made it pretty clear what their intentions are. People keep asking the same thing over and over.  


(And of course, if you've been suspended then you can't read the thread, which is why I'm providing some of their answers here.)

The Ningnongs announced the news of the sale with the following sentence:

"(...) Today, I’m excited to announce some great news for Ning and our customers. We’ve signed an agreement to be acquired by Glam Media (...)"

This "excitement" and the term "great news" are utterly incomprehensible to me. How on earth can you be "excited" about the "great news" that you're doing so incredibly lousy that you have to fugging SELL yourself? It would be more honest, at least in my opinion, if they had said: "Sorry guys, because we never listened to our customers and often even refused to answer their questions, we've made such a stinking mess of our company that we are now unable to keep it going but have to sell the whole rubbish heap".

I really don't understand their attitude. What on earth is so "exciting" and so "great" about having to sell your house because you can't pay the mortgage anymore? And what's so great and so exciting about putting your paying customers through yet another period of insecurity and instability in less than a year and a half? And what's so excitingly great or greatly exciting in again whitewashing your own stupidity and masking it behind totally misplaced and utterly fake "joy"? How can anybody still trust that crowd after what they've been doing since early summer last year? Sure beats me!

Hi Jaap,

Hope you're doing well. I don't think of this as your analogy describes - - but more of a great partnership (although acquired technically) with superior opportunity for future monetization and platform growth.

Best Regards,


Hi Jen!

You're always so much nicer and more trusting than I am (wide grin)!

I'm doing reasonably well, not so much in the "being well-off" sense as in the "well-being" sense... which is much more important anyway! And you, Jen? Enjoying life to the fullest?

Be well!


I'm doing well, thanks for asking. It is time to change a few things so I can enjoy life to it's fullest, once again. =)

You too,


Definitely not happy.    BTW,  per Bloomberg  Ning was paid $150 million.  They were asking $750 million

I agree with Jaap

how come no one is coming up with a plan to move or some great plugin that will do this .. i am trying the buddypress importer and this will be my focus until i export every last html code out of ning .. i smell a lot of rats in this one . this is 3years of my life hanging by a thread ... by now you would think we could get/buy a ning standalone so that people like jen etc can provide us with great updates  so we can finally know we own our sites !



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