Anybody figured out a way to make a tab appear ONLY when someone is not logged in?


This would be useful to give nav options to people who land on your community site but who need to be directed to a payment page or other information that becomes irrelevant once you've signed up.


Ideally, the nav that appears when someone first lands on the page would be entirely different than the tabs shown after you log in.



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The only options that are built-in are who can view the tabs: Members, Everyone, Admins

Best Regards,


Thanks Jen. I was hoping some intrepid explorer had hacked this somehow. A very common feature on other software.

I guess in my mind it's already there, built-in. If members are signed-in, you can specify tabs for members only. If they're not signed in, they're are considered Visitors. And you can show tabs to Everyone for that case.

Best Regards,


The problem is valuable pixel real estate. Tabs meant to help non-members navigate to a successful membership will stick around and display for people who don't need them, and crowd out where other useful tabs could otherwise go.

In other words- no way to exclude members from seeing stuff they no longer need to see.



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