Woo-Hoo Ning Networks! Status Update on Home Page Coming Soon!

Wow! This may be one of the best updates Ning has ever made. Very soon we will have built-in Status updating from our home pages. I've already found myself leaving three status updates on the Creator site, so exciting and engaging! I believe this will increase member activity exponentially, over time. And it just gets better. Ning is also working on inline commenting!


It's cleaner. It's fresh. And, it's downright fun!

If you want to see it in action, go to Ning's Creator site:


What Nick of Team Ning has to say about the upcoming features for Latest Activity and Status Updates:

  • Members can post a Status from the Main Page. If you uncheck "Status updates" in the Latest Activity controls, this box will disappear.
  • Activity Items have a new, cleaner UI (User Interface) that makes it easier for members to interact with content in the feed.
  • Videos are playable inline, and photo thumbnails are larger.
  • When you click "Continue" on a blog post, the post expands inline.



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Sweeet.  I love the scrolling feed on our sites, but I'd like that status bar to stay in sight when I get the update.  I sometimes forget its there when I scroll through feed.
Really good idea on your part! I can't change mine yet, too many other settings for the LA, and it messes mine up. A lot of tweaks...

This works, just one thing.  If your mouse is sitting on the status box instead of the feed when you scroll, then the box and the module header scroll up and are not visible.  Any quick thoughts?  I know you're busy.



You know what, for now I am going to take off the scroll bar.  Its blocking part of the text in the feed and I am about to leave for a mini-vacation, so I'll just do a quick fix and come back to this next week. 




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