I wanted to find out how Jen did her background...currenly my site is far too white and wanted to add some color and i love the way she did it.  Thanks for the help

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Hi Dan,

The background on JenSocial is a custom gradient image I created for the site. I've had a few "borrow" it, and kinda made me sad, because I didn't realize it was as distinctive as it is until seeing it used on another site. In fact, I asked someone to remove it from their site. But they had taken all of my CSS, even my navbar at the time that had JS on it, LOL. Otherwise, I probably wouldn't have said anything.


It's a gradient image with the shadow built in, and repeated in both x and y directions. So, you need to find a nice gradient image first, or create one. Look for "seamless" image tiles. That's a nice way to go too. I'll keep my eyes open for gradients that can used for the same purpose.

Best Regards,


I don't know if this could be called crisp, but a good example. The trick with gradient images, you have to know the color of the very bottom of image. Then you make the background color this color. It's FFFFFF (white) in this example.

body {
background: url("http://storage.ning.com/topology/rest/1.0/file/get/301588390?profile=original") repeat-x scroll center top #FFFFFF !important;
Im pretty handy in photoshop, so ill give it a shot this weekend...i liked the cloud add you did last night as well.  Thanks for the help
What about modifying the navigation bar...do you have any tips on that?  I see yours is far from the standard boring ning nav bar.



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