To add the Facebook Like Button and Google's new +1 (Plus One) button to your Ning Network, add the following code to your Custom Code Box, via My Network/Tools/Custom Code;


Google +1 Button Only
<!-- G +1 All Pages Above Sign-In -->
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
x$("#xg_module_account").before("<div align=center id='custom_g1'></div>");
var g1_html = '<g:plusone></g:plusone>';


Both Buttons (Facebook Like and Google +1) - - this is my code. Be sure to change your facebook settings as you want them. If that makes no sense, not to worry. Just use this code:


<!-- Facebook All Pages Above Sign-In -->
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
x$("#xg_module_account").before("<div align=center id='custom_fb'></div>");
var fb_html = '<iframe src="'+window.location+'&layout=standard&show_faces=false&width=180&action=like&colorscheme=light" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" style="padding-top:15px; border:none; overflow:hidden; width:180px; height:50px"><\/iframe>';
<!-- End FB All Pages Above Sign-In -->
<!-- G +1 All Pages Above Sign-In -->
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
x$("#xg_module_account").before("<div align=center id='custom_g1'></div>");
var g1_html = "<g:plusone></g:plusone><br>Don't forget to Like and +1 us!";
<!-- End G +1 -->


Where to find the Google Plus One Code if you need it:



Views: 1637

Replies to This Discussion

it didn't work...
Did you happen to sign out and look? It takes a while for the signed out to catch up with signed in.
Looking at your code...
strangely enough I see it above all artworks to plus one something, but not on the sign in page so far
Yeah, odd. Gotta leave desk for a while. Please leave the code if it's not breaking anything. I will investigate further this evening.
ok cool thanks:)  I always appreciate it:)

I can't imagine this will make a difference, but let's try it. Try adding a regular quote around this line, like this:

var g1_html = "<g:plusone></g:plusone>";
that doesn't make a difference, but it seems to work as far as being above all member profile pages, on photos, videos, etc, just not on the sign in page.  Does it really need to be there anyway?
Thanks. I just wish I knew why it's not showing on your home page.
it is showing on it now...I think maybe it takes time to integrate completely.
Interesting. And thank you for the update - - very much! LOL!

I try the codes from Google and that didn't work. So I decided to post a discussion about it and what did I see ~ Jen on the ball with a discussion about the Google plus 1 Your on top of it.

To check if it there do you look at the groups page or what 

I SEE IT ABOVE THE SIGN IN/OUT BOX   and it only took 1 minute to show



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