Hi there


Has anybody been able to produce a sign out tab using their sign out url?

<a _url="http://www.createlinkgive.com.au/main/authorization/signOut?target=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.createlinkgive.com.au%2F&amp;xg_token=741efdc97528c0c6cf84e203605ead75" dojotype="PostLink" href="#">Sign Out</a>


the red is my token number - obviously different with each ning network that i belong to. I know that some urls use list?my=, or listfor to qualify different members profiles (as per Jens 'YOU' tabs).



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Interesting...what I thought would work, will not.

Sorry. If it ever hits me, I'll let you know.





In the mean time can you help me with the circled area of screenshot - it seems that something is covering ning nav bar.


Hi Steven,

I don't think anything is covering the links, just the wrong color. At least that's what I'm seeing from my end. Try adding this CSS;

#xn_bar a {color:#000000!important;}

Adjust color to your preference.



Hi Jen

I only just realised you had added this post...thanks for getting back....worked out how to add color via developer mode. Now I am trying to work out how to add additional links in #xn_bar


On another issue, I sent a request through to TJ from jqueryhelp...got a response but seems his site is closed.

The request was how to make certain pages (not 'tabs') and thus url's private to visitors.

Based upon an earlier post by TJ I came up with the following code:

<script language=javascript>
if (ning.CurrentProfile == null) {
var x = document.getElementById('theLink');
x.href = 'http://www.createlinkgive.com.au/main/authorization/signIn?target=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.createlinkgive.com.au%2F';

The thing that I could not work out was the placement of id=link which TJ suggested need to be added to the 'a' tag of the url I was trying to hide.

Not sure this meant:

  1. http://www.createlinkgive.com.au/page/clg-general-purpose-reloadabl... 
  2. id=http://www.createlinkgive.com.au/page/clg-general-purpose-reloadable
  3. var x = document.getElementById('http://www.createlinkgive.com.au/page/clg-general-purpose-reloadable');
  4. or something totally different.

Hope you can help




TJ's site closed?! No way. I sure hope not. He's probably just very busy. Unfortunately, these questions are custom scripting questions, that take time and expertise to figure out. Unless TJ or I have already written them, it would fall under custom code in most cases. Does that make sense?


In the future if you think it's something I can answer, please create a new discussion for each question, and in our VIP Group - - unless a question about a specific discussion. I'll always give special attention to VIP members. ;-)


I'll add to my list, script to add additional links to xn_bar. That I handle, just a matter of when.


Thanks a bunch,


Shall do.

BTW - TJ's site is up again


ahhh, it was actually down? Same thing happened here this morning I think. I didn't see it, but received reports about errors.

Have a good day,



I forgot that I've already created this. This is just using position absolute. If you're wanting to do more, let me know.



Creating a new tip with better formatting and control...





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