Where and how do i return to the classic Ning design studio

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This is all very confusing, to be truthful. I'm sure Ning is trying to discourage anyone from "going back", and hence why it's difficult to do, and impossible in some cases.

From what I can figure out (and help from one of our members), for your case and others:

  • If your Network was created after the Design Studio was implemented, you cannot use the Old Editor.
  • If you were on Old Editor, you can only change back if you have your Old Theme (from old Editor) saved under: Themes/My Themes
  • Critical note: If you have saved or edited different themes under the new Design Studio, your old Editor theme will not be accessible, because you can only save so many.
  • If I'm wrong on this - - anyone, please correct me.  Since Ning took away the option of removing Design Studio via the "Ning Labs" option, I'm confused too.


Best Regards,




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