Hi Jen

I have searched for related articles but it seems I am the only one with this problem. I need to verify my network www.phuzemthonjeni.com, here is the instruction to do so: 

"Please insert the snippet of HTML code given below into your site's front page code. If you use a blogging system such as Blogger or a CMS, you can add this code either by inserting an HTML/javascript component or pasting it directly into your HTML template.

<!-- cjverify:1148b061827cb4b180c962e02ce2c7e5: -->"
I have tried to insert this code everywhere but they still can not pick it up. Where can I place this code?

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Replies to This Discussion

This is a problem I hear from many, on all types of verifications. Since we can't add code to the HEAD of a page, I'm not sure what to tell you. The only option I know of is to try adding to your Custom Code Box. But technically that is not in the HEAD. If that doesn't work, you will need to write Ning Support.

Best of luck,


Thank you Jen, like I said, I tried everything but nothing works. I have written to Ning Support and waiting for their response.
Thanks again

I wonder if you could add the code to a text box? Click on the HTML button, add the code. If it's javascript, wrap it with a DIV like this: <DIV>your code </DIV>

If your text box has nothing else in it, move to bottom of site, and no one else will see it if you don't add a title.


I can't guarantee it by far. But worth a try.



<div> wrap in a text box worked.

Thank you Jen.

Thank you too Tom for your suggestion. 

Wow! That's awesome. I'll have to suggest this to others. Thank you for the feedback.

Best Regards,


The only workaround I can suggest, since it is not possible to add to the head code of a ning network, is; to create a splash page with a editor like dreamweaver, then upload it to your ning network. The code would then be found in the splash page with your network address. However, I think you have to be a plus and/or pro subscriber to create a splash page. What do you think, Jen? Would that work?

Good idea, but only thing, a person would have to use the splash page as home page, right? Still good idea, though.


I think when Ning introduces the new Header Text Box for ads or whatever, it will probably take care of this problem. I think it's worth waiting to find out.


Thanks Tom!



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