I didn't want an outside toolbar on my Ning site anymore so I though about which items I liked the most and made a substitute solution that I am really happy with, I can add more whenever I find new stuff. 

You can see it in the bottom right hand corner of my network, http:girlriders.ning.com


Find your links, find your images, figure out where you want to put them, then fill in the "your page" items in red in the code below.  Then paste into your custom code area of your network.

(I also had a FB like button, but it was giving an overflow error on some pages, so I removed it for the time being, if you figure it out, let me know).


Here is the code broken down for explantion...

1. <a target='_blank' href='http://your-ning.com/chat/index/popOutWindow'>

Copy this address from the page you want to link to, 'blank' means it will open in a new window.

 <img src='http://a-chat-image.png' This is an image address that you have uploaded somewhere. 

 title='Chat' This is the "tool tip" hover text

alt="Chat" This is what shows up if for some reason the image does not load.

style='position: fixedThis will keep the items from scrolling

 bottom: 130px; right: 15px;'>  This is the position of the item relative to the screen


You can see below I positioned mine so that they would start on the bottom right and be equally spaced vertically by adjusting the distance from the bottom for each item.


Here's the code for each of the items on my site(names changed for you to fill in) I have CHAT, FACEBOOK, TWITTER, RSS, DONATE:


<a target='_blank' href='http://your-ning.com/chat/index/popOutWindow'><img src='http://a-chat-image.png' title='Chat' alt="Chat" style='position: fixed; bottom: 130px; right: 15px;'></a>

<a target='_blank' href='http://www.facebook.com/pages/your-full-facebookpage-address'><img src='http://a-fb-image.png' title='Like us on Facebook' alt='Like Us' style='position: fixed; bottom: 105px; right: 15px;'></a>

<a target='_blank' href='http://twitter.com/your-twitter-page'><img src='a-twitter-image.png' title='Follow us on Twitter' alt='Follow Us' style='position: fixed; bottom: 80px; right: 15px;'></a>

<a target='_blank' href='http://your-ning.com/activity/log/list?fmt=rss'><img src='http://a-rss-image.png' title='Add RSS Feed' alt='Add Feed' style='position: fixed; bottom: 55px; right: 15px;'></a>

<a target='_blank' href='https://www.paypal.com/your-donate-account><img src='http://a-donate-image.png' title='Keep Us Online' alt='Donate' style='position: fixed; bottom: 30px; right: 15px;'></a>


After you fill in all you information in an HTML editor or notepad, paste it to the bottom of the custom code section (ning).



Views: 252

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Nice tip! Thanks!

You're welcome, and thank you!



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