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Create Your RSS Feed News Ticker!


I found RSS Pump a few years back. At least I think that was the site name.  I forgot about it, and happened on it today. I love what this site offers. Wow, do they create an awesome widget!


RSS Pump enables anyone to add an RSS Feed URL, and create widget code that will display the RSS Feed into a News Ticker styled output. It's too cool for grits! There are several customization options to choose from, when you create your widget code.


I've been testing for a few hours, and so far, it loads very quickly and doesn't seem to slow the overall home page load time at all. If I ever notice their server being slow to load for a significant amount of time, I'll be sure to report it here. And heck, that may be tomorrow. For the moment, it's working great. I'm always careful about using 3rd party server files.


Tip: BTW, a great way to check your page load times is on Pingdom.


See RSS Pump in action on our home page.



  • Grab the RSS Feed URL that you want to feed into a News Ticker styled output.
  • Go to RSS Pump
  • Paste the RSS Feed URL under: 1. Add RSS Feeds
  • Click on Add
  • Select your options
  • Copy/Paste the widget code into your HTML page, or a Text Box on most Social Networking Platforms.




UPDATE October 21, 2010 for NING NETWORKS:

 To add to NingBar, add the following code to your Custom Code Box via Manage/Tools/Custom Code.

<!-- RSS Pump --> <div style="width:505px; xg-p: absolute; left:12%; top: 4px;">ADD YOUR RSS PUMP CODE HERE</div> <!-- End RSS Pump -->

Note: Change xg-p to the word position. The Ning discussions strip the word in code for security reasons.

UPDATE October 27, 2011for NING NETWORKS: Add RSS Feed to NingBar. FOR NEW TIP CLICK HERE

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Views: 2228

Replies to This Discussion

how do i add it to the top of my site like you did,and remove the google add.




I thought about you when I found this. And, you were actually on my list to contact sometime this evening - - when I get a break. I need to write the code to make this a permanent placement instead of floating. But for now, here's the code I use. It will be displayed in a different horizontal position, depending on screen resolution.


Just replace my RSS code with yours, and add to your Custom Code Box. I will have to add an attached file. When using the word "position" in code, it gets translated incorrectly in these boxes.






Thanks Jen.I have been looking for this.How do i add google ad to my website?

Depends on where you want to add Google Ads. You can add the Google Ad code to text boxes. If you want them placed in special places like the Header or Footer, that takes special scripting. Here's one tutorial on how to do it with iframes.



But, I much prefer the way this fellow NC does it. I have a similar method, but too complicated to share with fellow NCs without a ton of questions. And, how I make my living. ;-)

Here's his on Creator's site:



Good luck,


Too sad my "discussions" doesn't have RSS feed

Because they are private, or a bug?


Anyhow, you may find the RSS feeds from Associated Press interesting.




Its big NING bug.My website doesnt have RSS icon.Remember you offered help for the RSS icon.Recently I noticed only latest activity have RSS icon,discussions and groups doesn't have RSS icon.

Thanks for the AP RSS feed.

I thought Evan said some of your issues had to do with color?

Regardless, it appears you were able to grab your RSS Feed URL for the Forum Discussions, correct?


I don't think the Groups RSS icon shows on home page of any site. You have to click on View All, then you should see the icon. Although, as you said, I do not see it on your site. Here's your RSS feed for your list of Groups:




P.S. I think I'm only seeing the RSS icon for Latest Activity and Leaderboard, on the home page. I'm not even sure which modules show the RSS feed icons on home page, never paid that much attention, and never can remember without looking.

I love this RSS News Ticker. But, be warned. Since the feed is being fed from an external site, it will slow down your page load time if/when the external site server is slow - - and unfortunately and especially on a Ning Network. I removed the one I was using, for now.



Thanks,i cant stop loving it.

Nice to hear! I removed mine due to the fact, I'm always experimenting and didn't need that extra little slowdown for now. I'll add it back from time to time. I love it too. It's just cool.

Take care and have a great upcoming weekend!



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