Hey Jen,

Thought I would drop in and check out the pro, that's you by the way, and I had a question that I thought I might bring up in your forum.

I just spoke with another Ning user and was informed that they have a way to access the answers to our members question to be used in pages.  He then followed up by telling me he was not willing to share it as he was not sure of it's effects.  I was wondering if you could explain to us how we may be able to access that information using JavaScript.


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Hi Digital Janitor,
I'm really no Expert at Ning's hidden vars. I bumble around in the Content Management Tool, but a really dangerous interface - - easy to mess up a Ning site, quickly. I could probably do it, but would take a good deal of time, and no doubt I would struggle with this. I plan on becoming an Expert when the new API is opened, though.

Did you ask TJ of http://jqueryhelp.ning.com ? Now, there's the Expert! He may know the answer to this.

Keep us posted. Would be interesting to hear about it.

I will try that, thanks.



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