In the midst of the Ning Storm, What’s Your Next Move? We would love to hear from you.

On April 15, 2010, the new CEO (Jason Rosenthal) of Ning Social Networks made a fairly shocking announcement: Ning will start "phasing out free Ning Networks". ...more

In the past 2 years, Ning has become one of the Industry leaders in Social Community platforms - - enabling just about anyone to create a free Social Network of their own - - with members and a full featured Online Community.

This has been a devastating blow for a lot of small networks who can't possibly see their way clear, to pay a monthly service fee. And some of this is not just affordability to a lot of Network Creators who own free sites, but accountability and principle - - doing the right thing. Many of the free sites have been built-up over years, with more passion than one can possibly imagine. There are free sites on just about any topic imaginable - - sites like: family sites, school sports, art, environmental, church, support sites, educational sites, sites for: pets, helping find abducted children, memorial, and tons of grass-roots type causes and non-profit sites. So, it has been a shocking experience for many. And, it's not over yet.

On the other side of the coin, simply stated: for most Ning Network Owners already paying for premium services, this is a relief and great news.  Especially in regards to adding more value to their Networks - - the New Ning will possibly mean a true white label, less cross-breeding, and a chance to present Social Networks as their "own", as a real independent business, instead of "just another Ning". There are a lot of Advertisers that will not buy Ad Space from Ning Networks. It's just a fact. But, that should change too.

A lot has happened since the first announcement. For one, following the 2nd announcement on April 16, 2010 - - the much awaited Premium Package/Plans were announced on May 4, 2010. ...more

There have been tons of heated discussions going on, here on the Directory, Ning's Creator site, Spruz sites like the new Ning Refugees, and discussions taking place all over the Internet from TechCrunch to the Times. There has been a lot of screaming, loss of sleep, and even petitions. News headlines have been hopping with news about Ning, both positive and negative. Ning Competitors have been working overtime, making platform plans, changes, press releases etc...trying to offer the free Ning Networks a new home for those who can't stay on Ning.

Network Creators of free Ning Networks have been scrambling, trying to figure out what's next. So, what happens to networks whose owners don’t want to pay, can't pay, or don’t qualify for the educational sponsorship (announced with plans)?...more The Network Owners of these free Ning sites are in the process of trying to figure out an exit plan, looking for alternative platforms, and all within thirty days of the new plans’ arrival in July. Ning CEO, Jason Rosenthal makes promises of a “clear migration path...”  But no one knows yet, what will actually be available for export. And most importantly, how will the exported data/content be utilized on other platforms?

What is your next move?
  • Will you stay with Ning and upgrade to premium?
  • Will you move to another platform?
  • Are you still trying to make a decision?
  • Will you delete your Ning Network, and hope to forget the whole experience?

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The new plan sucks (money out of my pocket ;)
I guess I´ll move to spruz or wackwall.
First and foremost I just want to express my gratitude to Jen and this site for giving space and attention to all this! I'm glad you are here, and VERY glad this will be a place for all social networks!

As for our next steps... I'm still getting feedback from my members, but personally I leaning towards migrating to Spruz primarily because I would prefer to support a company that is (or at least appears to be) dedicated to equality. Our site already has more than what the Ning Mini would provde, and at the next pay level I feel like I'd rather give that money elsewhere. I'm sad about this. It does take a lot of time to get something viable up and running. The thought of having to start all over with search engine stuff and links from other sites seems daunting.

But I'm trying to also see opportunity in this challenge.
I'm still sorting out kinks, but one idea I have is to ask each member to donate $1 every year. It's a Buddhist site, so luckily for us generosity is a fundamental practice. (I realize this may be impossible with some other sites.) I even thought that if we end up with some kind of surplus (I'm thinking positively here) in the bank that we could have some kind of committee to decide how those funds should be used. It would be great to have a scholarship fund or just donate to another org on behalf of our social network. Like I said, I'm still figuring out details (like setting up Paypal and how to manage $$). But I just wanted to throw this idea out there in case it might be something that would work for others. And I always appreciate any feedback from all the super savvy creators out there.

Erica [for now, until I have the time to move...]
Thank you, and love having you as part of this site, Erica!

Good luck and keep us posted.
Best Regards,
What are my migration options?
We won't know the migration details until July. Ning will announce this, then.
I would like to know what my migration options may be.
Hi Folks...Mr Hey U here. I've moved to Spruz...A little more difficult than Ning. But I won't be BLACKMAILED!! So catch me at Disabilities And Animals My Ning sites will close in June
Happy to hear you're moving forward, and strong. ;-)
I'm pretty excited with BuddyPress too - - for client projects where Ning just doesn't work for them. Keep us posted, would love to hear more. Did you join the BuddyPress Group yet?

I'm sure it would be greatly appreciated if you share tips, as you go along and your time allows.

Best to you Zohra,
Dear Jen,
We are still trying to find out what to do. (
A network with more then 1800 (only Hungarian Emotional Freedom Technique) members. Totally non-profit.
Since the size of our community and the need for video's to upload, we are basically forced to go for the most expensive package. With all our other costs and this being a non-profit, the price is hight to pay. We are contemplating to ask for donations from our members. Something that we wanted to avoid at all cost. So, in all honesty, we have some thinking to do.
Of course, we have always been very grateful that a platform like Ning was available. It has been to the benifit and inspiration for all our members, so "Thank you NING".
Have a wonderful day,
Kind regards,
Solyomvary Patrice & EFT Agi
Hello Jen and all, interesting conversation here. This is Alberto from Kublai reporting. We are considering two options:

1. staying in, probably with a Pro option (we want to do some serious network analysis, and do it often. In the past we had to crawl Ning, and it's been... awkward. So APIs are good.)

2. moving out to a self hosted solution. If we move out, we will make it an event: join the Exodus, Kublai moves on to the promised land! Inactive members will stay behind, and the signal/noise ratio on the new network will go way up! Yippee!

In the end, it boils down to the degree of accessibility to the database that the APIs are going to give us. The most likely solution is that we sign up for Pro, and take all of 2010 to consider - and, if we so decide, implement - our Exodus.
This is super interesting to hear everyone's plans. Thank you all for your input.

I will comment more tomorrow.

Best to my friends,



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