Ok next question...for a while now Ive been trying to get this banner to fit within the dimensions of the header on my ning network.. BannerFans.com

Howerver every time I load it its too small....how do I get it to fit within the paramiters of the header? Ive been told its 955 pixels but eh thats all greek to me...can someone simplfy it for me? The largest I can go on bannerfans.com is 728x90 leaderboard.

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Unfortunately in your case, you must find software that will enable you to create a banner that is at least 955 pixels in width. That is, if you want to fill the entire header area on a Ning site. Pixels (PPI-pixels per inch) are the standard measurement used to describe the width and height of images.

If you don't, your image will be too small, or if you try to resize it via Advanced CSS making it larger, it will not be crisp.

Search online for banner or image software. You may luck up on something. Or, you'll need your own image software, or hire someone to create a banner.

Thank you Jen! Now that I understood...
This work for me, Go to your MSPaint and at the top, click on images then click on "Attributes" lt will say width and height. Set the width to 955 and how ever high.

You can also click on the images then click on the "stretch /skew" You may have to play around with it a bit. On the stretch / skew set it like 120 to 130 , you can keep setting it until you get the right width and height.

No need to download a software if you practise with the MS Paint program
You know, I shouldve realized I could probably do that...but somehow it didnt occur to me...I will get back to you! Thanks Fantasyland!



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