Wibiya Toolbar - Wibar
If you like and want to add the Wibiya Toolbar to your site (our bottom toolbar with Facebook and Twitter), follow these easy steps:
  • Go to: http://www.wibiya.com
  • Join Wibiya
  • Setup your Toolbar by adding applications to bar. It's fairly intuitive.
  • Copy/paste the Ning script code, into your Custom Code Box, via My Network.

Enjoy! We sure have!

Views: 1409

Replies to This Discussion

Why does the toolbar work for some Ning sites and not others. I pasted the script and nothing.
@My Neighbors in Clinton,

I know that Wibiya just released a huge upgrade, and are ironing out a bug here and there.

Did you add to your Analytics Box? Did you grab the newest code?

Also, after adding it (if you removed it), you may want to refresh your cache with this URL:

If you've never run the clear cache, just replace "yournetwork" with your Ning Network name. Be sure to be signed in as Creator.

Keep me posted on this. I'll write Wibiya Support directly. They've become great colleagues and friends of mine.

Best Regards,
I love the toolbar...but how do I disable the default network toolbar on the bottom? Right now, I have both! Thanks!

Hi npsvipnetwork,
That bar is your Ning Chat Room Bar. If you want to remove it completely, go to Manage/Features, drag the Chat/Who's Online box from center column to left column (drag here to remove feature).

If you would like to keep the Ning Chat, but remove from bottom and place on home page instead:
Go to Manage/Feature Controls.
You can check one of the following:
* Display chat as a box on Main Page
* Display chat as a bar across the bottom of Main Page

Even when you use the option of display on main page, you will still see the bar on some pages, like your Manage.

Hope that helps,

P.S. Wibiya Team is working on these type solutions. Hopefully someday, we'll be able to embed our Ning chat within the Wibiya bar.
Thank you, Jen!
I can't seem to get this to work either.
Correction: It is working on my home computer. I don't know why it wasn't working on my Mac but it is working on my PC.
Can you try these instructions, and see if it helps?
I like te new toolbar here, is a VIP code of jeansocial ?

Thank you. It's very simple, but low maintenance on load time. I want to add to VIP tips, yes. But no real demand yet. I'm working on the VIP tip though.

Best Regards,




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