New Year's Resolutions: What Are Your Resolutions? Post Yours for 25 Showcase Points!

Happy New Year - - 2010!
It's going to be a Golden and Bright Year!
I just know it!

Happy New Year 2010!

New Year's Resolutions:
What Are Yours?

Did you follow through, with your last year's resolutions? Some of you listed them, here! Go back and see. ;-)
Earn 25 Showcase Points for each post you make!
  • Under "Reply to This", Add your resolutions for 2010.
  • Click on "Add Reply" .
25 Points Earned!

Wishing all of you a Golden Year! Can you believe it? The Year 2010!
I wish you a New Year filled with good health, happiness, success, your dreams being fulfilled, excitement, fun and love!
Thank you for contributing. Happy New Year Everyone!

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To do some Winter Closet Cleaning
to spent more time with my grandbabies
to get closer with my family
My resolution is to be kinder to others
To build a closer relationship with my Mama
to be out of pain for once and for all and to be warm!
to have my luck change for the better
is to find love
to lose weight and exercise more
to laugh more and relax
my resolution for the new year is that I can keep at least half of them
my resolution is to find true serenity



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