How to Compete!
Add your Holiday Wish, whether a one-liner, a story - - real or fantasy. That's it! Add your Wish to this Forum, by clicking on Reply, below.

On January 10, 2010, we will select the 3 best Holiday Wishes (real or fantasy). We will start our selection process for all wishes written, after December 14, 2009. A poll will be created, listing the top 3 Wishes. We will provide 3 links below the poll, so members can vote.

The Holiday Wish that receives the most votes will win:

  • An Ad with a link that goes directly to your Ning Network.
  • Ad Size - 159 pixels by 159 pixels
  • Ad Location - in the right column of all pages!
  • Ad Duration - 2 months!

Happy Holidays, and wishing all of you, extra special blessings this year! :-)

Good Luck Everyone!

Even if you know it's not possible, what would be your #1 Holiday Wish? Realistic or Fantasy

If you could wish a Holiday Wish for anything your mind could imagine, what would it be?

You can be selfless, you can make your wish all about you, or for anyone, anything, or any reason. Maybe your wish is something you want to do while you can. Maybe your wish is something you wish you had done.

We want to hear about it. This should be interesting and fun.

Tip: Make your wishes bring you a smile. Don't worry with regrets.

Views: 491

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Replies to This Discussion

My wish is that every child gets a least one thing for christmas all over the world!
My wish is that everyone is blessed with good friends
My wish for the coming holiday is to mend my relationship with my mom
My wish would be that this season brings blessings to all
My wish is to lay on a beach somewhere with a Pina Colada!
I wish I could lose 30 pounds by this holiday!
My wish would be to enjoy all my grandkids and see their little faces!
My wish would be to volunteer more ofthen that I do
My holiday wish would be to spend it with love and warmth of spirit
My holiday wish would be to fly to Ireland and stay as long as I wanted to
My holiday wish would be to take my community to the top!
My holiday wish would be less stress in my life



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