This is the best way yet, to enable your site Visitors and Members to Tweet your Ning Network pages!

All you need to do is add this script to a Text Box! That's it. The right column is the best place, so all of your pages can be "Tweeted".

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>


Views: 27

Replies to This Discussion

This only tweets the home page and redirects to somewhere else on all my members pages How can I fix this??
ummm, don't know. Do you know if it works that way, here? I tested from several pages, and it worked as I would expect. However, I did not test a member profile page. I'll do that.
I'll get back to you when I find out something. Sorry for the inconvenience. We may not be able to use it. :-(
Have a wonderful weekend, Deborah.

Dreamcatchers ~ admin 4 N D said:
This only tweets the home page and redirects to somewhere else on all my members pages How can I fix this??
Hi Deborah,
It's working good, for me. If they click on the status box, where it gives the # of tweets - - it will take them to That's the .com providing the script. TweetMeme is a service that aggregates all the popular links on Twitter to determine which links are popular, and provides stats. If you don't want their link, then you won't be able to use it. Sorry about that. It's the same principal as our "Follow Us" side button. The company providing the script has their link within the floating question mark. But their link is less discreet than tweetmeme.
Best Regards,

Dreamcatchers ~ admin 4 N D said:
This only tweets the home page and redirects to somewhere else on all my members pages How can I fix this??
Click to Tweet this the most Powerful World Fishing Toolbar ever built for Anglers!
I use the code below but have changed the > to ]
[a href="">Click to Tweet this the most Powerful World Fishing Toolbar ever built for Anglers!
On the main page I have the numbers I have tweeted and on the members page there is a question Mark. I click on it and I'm sent to redirest page. My Main page works a treat , it's only the members pages

Dreamcatchers ~ admin 4 N D said:
This only tweets the home page and redirects to somewhere else on all my members pages How can I fix this??
Hi Deborah,
I found out what's happening. It will NOT WORK on private pages. Sorry for the inconvenience. But, it makes sense, after you realize that's what is happening.
Best to you,

Dreamcatchers ~ admin 4 N D said:
On the main page I have the numbers I have tweeted and on the members page there is a question Mark. I click on it and I'm sent to redirest page. My Main page works a treat , it's only the members pages

Dreamcatchers ~ admin 4 N D said:
This only tweets the home page and redirects to somewhere else on all my members pages How can I fix this??
Thank you for putting up with a puttz when it comes to these things

Ning Directory said:
Hi Deborah,
I found out what's happening. It will NOT WORK on private pages. Sorry for the inconvenience. But, it makes sense, after you realize that's what is happening.
Best to you,

Dreamcatchers ~ admin 4 N D said:
On the main page I have the numbers I have tweeted and on the members page there is a question Mark. I click on it and I'm sent to redirest page. My Main page works a treat , it's only the members pages

Dreamcatchers ~ admin 4 N D said:
This only tweets the home page and redirects to somewhere else on all my members pages How can I fix this??



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