Hi Everyone, (POSTED on Creators by Jason Rosenthal on April 16, 2010)

As many of you know, we made a decision yesterday to focus 100% of the company on enhancing the features and services we offer to paying Ning Creators. The tens of thousands of you who already use our paid service represent over 75% of our traffic, and we’ve heard repeatedly from you ways that we can deliver a killer service to help make your Ning Network more effective. Some examples of things we are working on that you’ve asked for include new APIs, a new mobile experience and new advertising and revenue opportunities.

As part of this change, we’ll be phasing out our free service. On May 4, 2010, we will share with you all of the details of our new offering, including features and price points, through a series of blog posts, emails, and conference calls. We recognize that there are many active Ning Networks for teachers, small non-profits, and individuals and it's our goal to have a set of product and pricing options that will make sense for all of them. For Ning Creators using our free service who choose to move to another service, we will off a migration path and time to make that change. We will still continue to allow free trials and test networks on the Ning Platform.

We look forward to talking to you further on May 4th.

ORIGINAL STORY HERE - - Ning Update: Rolling Out Full Details May 4th

Views: 257


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Comment by Toni Schaberick on April 17, 2010 at 11:26pm
Congrats on the changes! Here is something to smile for all:
Why don't men wash their hands before they do it?
Full article at http://bit.ly/avLdwc
Comment by JenSocial on April 17, 2010 at 4:44pm
Creating Empires,
I'm familiar with that warning, since I have mega anti-virus, anti-spyware, mcafee siteadviser, 2 firewalls, and more. For some reason I can access Bob's site just fine. Wow, does it look great.
Comment by Creating Empires on April 17, 2010 at 4:16pm
@ Bob Bello...

This is what I got when I went to the link you posted below...
Suspicious Web Page Blocked

You attempted to access:


For your protection, this web page has been blocked and submitted for review. Visit Symantec to learn more about phishing and internet security.

It is recommended that you do NOT visit this page, however if you know that this web page is safe, you may choose to visit this web page anyway.

Exit this site
Comment by World Of Rock 2 - Douglas on April 17, 2010 at 1:01pm
Thanks Jen !!
Comment by saveNaturefree on April 17, 2010 at 9:26am
I am removing all my networks from ning and will no longer advise any of my members to support any ning sites. I hear other are thinking along these lines as well. http://grou.ps/ningexodus/signup
Comment by Code Whacker on April 17, 2010 at 7:49am
The creators site has a technical fault its hard to post, lol
Comment by Code Whacker on April 17, 2010 at 7:09am
Looking at the nay and the yeses it looks like ning will retain only 5 - 20% of its free users and lose 70% of its premium users. At a guess the latest board meeting see some very glum faces. Member power can be very powerful this could be the very first time a dot com is taken down due to not consulting with its members and trying to ride rough shot over them.

What will ning do to get out off this crap, its going to take a lot of good PR. If they are trying to sell the sites they have gone the wrong way about it, ning with in a week will only be worth thousands and not millions.
Comment by Code Whacker on April 17, 2010 at 7:00am
The only way they can get trust back is to sack JASON ROSENTHAL and re-employ the staff. Then give us back the scripts and allow more space to use them. Then of course a full apology. Once a company shows it can break its trust one should not gamble that they will not brake other trusts. I suggest you use spruz.com and hedge your bets, your members will totally understand if you explain to them you can not trust ning but they can trust you.
Comment by GirlRiders on April 17, 2010 at 6:27am
I really don't want to change, I would love to stay with Ning if its VERY reasonable. I am disappointed in them, but I don't want to lose my members by changing my address and making them start over. I see most of the other sites do charge for similar services, and the ones that don't - how do I know they'll stay that way, I could make the shift for nothing. I sure hope something good comes on May 4.
Comment by ♥ We~choose~Love ♥ on April 17, 2010 at 6:25am
i hope the price will be right for the small creators - i am only here to spread LOVE & LIGHT & PEACE and positive vibes to this world, without any money profit.
if i had to make the prices i would stay very low for network under 500 members, and slowly increase (like every additional 500 members a certain price) the fee, the more members there r in a network.
is there a block to list all good free social networks so we have a chance to connect again?


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