Religion was the foundation for modern day politics

Approximately 5000 years ago a man wrote the first laws, a scribe that
possibly wrote both scrolls Genesis and Exodus. Moses and a council of
elders must of sat for days talking about these original laws plus what I
call the Jewish constitution the 10 commandments. Prior to this event
the Jewish tribes worship many gods and idols. Judaism was and still is a
form of politics. Moses must of organized a society of religious
teachers and leaders (the first Rabbi’s) to indoctrinate tribal members
into relinquishing the old gods and convert to the new. Many copies of
genesis and exodus would have been made at least one for each tribe’s.
It’s most probably that this new Judaism society was based on others
from the orient and Asia, of which I expect, had political motivations. .

With religion the preaching is very important, spreading the word from
the religious organization and its leaders or leader. Once the people
are indoctrinated and really believe in the indoctrination and fear the
punishment for breaking the laws, they will obey the leader or leaders.

Even the democratic system of government in Greece would have been
related to religion as religion was used by leaders to help control
their followers. Continue

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Comment by Code Whacker on September 7, 2010 at 3:41pm
Really, seemingly we are talking about two different things. I the founding of the laws of the Jewish tribes by Moses. Which is found in the Tanakh and you about marriage covenant between the jews and God.

My concern is not with the faith, but the laws of the faith and the cunning uses of a factious God by Moses to rule over the tribes. Even to the point of arranging the slaughtering of all opposition after the final reading of the Commandments. Thus breaking an important commandment "Thou shall not Kill".

No I do agree I have not been successfully indoctrinated within the Jewish faith and been brainwashed into an outlandish belief. But you are very wrong in your analysis and the attempt to fob off my opinion. Firstly I am not a young man and secondly I am a Jewish atheist whom was educated in Juadism and in Christianity. I also have a life study of most religions and their histories.

I do not find your comment very tasteful as its an attack on the messenger and not on the message. You need to do better if you wish to partake in good debate with me. Fobbing off does not indicate a good understanding of the subject matter that religion is the founding of politics concerning law making.
Comment by OregonShout _YoUNITY on September 7, 2010 at 11:46am
Mr Fish writes:"Approximately 5000 years ago a man wrote the first laws, a scribe that
possibly wrote both scrolls Genesis and Exodus. Moses and a council of
elders must of sat for days talking about these original laws plus what I
call the Jewish constitution the 10 commandments. Prior to this event
the Jewish tribes worship many gods and idols.

Obviously you have no Torah education...sad really, sad that this is the best that could be done...It is all about the Marriage at Sinai young man...simply all about the Marriage.


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