Hello friends,
I have been reading a few of the latest comments from Ning Network Creators on the latest blog from Ning in regards to charges to stay up and running with their sites.
The is a possibility that Ning could be in danger of going boost so a couple of people mention...but the general feeling is this that Ning and the Creators are facing...which I think stepping back is interesting.
1. Ning wants to charge for use of their Network to generate income.
2. A lot of Network Creators don’t want to pay
3. Most members are not willing to pay for membership or donate towards up keep for the services they are getting
So at the moment to many this a big up roar!
But...hmm...what is REALLY going on here I ask myself?
What are we as a Ning community really saying???
I can understand from a business point of view for Ning that they want to make more money. The fact that they plan (so it was said) to down size their staff by half...plus to start charging for their service, it would appear that there is a cash flow issue... and they feel that perhaps this is a solution to salvage what they have already...and perhaps take it to a higher level over time.
Network creators who have made use of Ning sites are feeling threaten because they fear they may lose their networks and hard investments in their time, work, materials, skills, energy and connections they have been building over the last 3-4 yrs.
In this time of financial crisis for many...an extra cost upon them is simply too much to bear...and some of these people would have 5 or more networks on the go for various reasons and purposes. In their case it would indeed be a very costly affair. They understandably care about their investments and want to salvage them from going under.
For both NING and ning Creators....who have provided loving and willingly FREE SERVICE over the years...maybe be questioning themselves. Shall we work for others and pay to do it when we need as well at this moment?
Would the members pay to work on their jobs?
This is just another view of it... of course as for most Creators the chance to make a difference in people lives is enough in payment of their time, energy and support...but now we are being asked to give our resources as well...?
If anyone is to give the most out of this, it is the Creators because they do not get paid from anyone as it stands but they give a lot regardless...shall we continue to feel its worth it?
The members of Ning Networks (the silent by standees in this price war) are the benefactors in this game for the most part. Most members are have a page on several different Ning networks due to the way Ning used to have an "Oneness" network system. God only knows how many members are on Ning Networks collectively...however whatever the number is it seems the percentage is low in those who are willing to pay or donate fees to continue.
Some of the members fear it would be costly for them to do so...and they feel they can't afford to pay to be on all the networks that they are members on...and to pick one of them seems to be perhaps stressful.
Other members are simply not moved to pay or donate and is willing to say "good bye" if that is where it is going.
SO...generally speaking everyone WANTS it to continue but few feel it is worth enough to fund it.
I would imagine NING is hoping that creators think it is worth it and pay the cost in order for them to stay afloat.
I would imagine that the Creators are hoping members feel what is offered is worth it and lend some support whether it be donations, membership fees or just appreciation for having a free network.
I would imagine members would feel that Creators think it’s worth it and continue to provide the services that we benefit from... even if it means paying the cost to continue their networks.
We are all hoping someone else FEEL it is WORTH it...but I wonder what we feel individually?
This is just yet another opportunity from Divine Spirit upon humanity on the subject of support, generosity, appreciation and worthiness to learn...or to show that we have learnt this wonderful lesson and now we are in the position to put it to practice. The Law of Exchange of worth and services.
At the end of the day...it is my belief that people will find a way to get and achieve anything they feel is worth it or is important to them... no matter what!
If you don’t believe me, just look around you. Look at yourself even :)
Everything you have IS important or worth having to you...and you are in the process of getting more.
I'll leave this posting here...it is just something to perhaps consider for a moment... to take a real look at the situation...in hopes to spark up a flame of clarity.
So what do you think???
Love you much!
Morningmoon *XXX*
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