Conversation on Twitter with former Mode Media/CEO, Former CEO of Ning

May 18, 2016

For what it's worth, finally "heard" from someone involved with Ning, the former Ning CEO - - and (just found out today, Former of Mode Media/CEO, as well), Samir Arora. It wasn't much, but great to hear he is listening. Does this mean Ning will improve their communication dialogue with Ning Creators? Who knows? But, maybe, just maybe, they will start listening, or at least tell Ning Creators their plans for the future of this platform. Honestly, this is the first time in 2 years I have heard one word from this company, other than support calls, "...working on the issues, updates to come..." AND the announcement: Notice of 2016 Storage Limit and Pricing Plan Changes. I just wanted to share this with you all. If you want to follow on Twitter, click on one of the links, below.

phpFox - Build Your Own Social Community!

I will continue to  design sites on Ning, help maintain existing sites. BUT, I am about to embrace the new version of phpFox! I love what I'm seeing.

This Blog post started out with sharing a very short Twitter response from the former CEO of Ning and Mode Media. It's turned into an active discussion on Ning alternatives. Join the conversation.

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Comment by Kos on May 22, 2016 at 2:29pm

I will definitely let you know when it's released.  Although he will test it himself, I will do the same and let you know how it goes.  Stay tuned......

It sucks though that we're screwed with exporting 3.0, or should I say inability to export.  I asked Ning about it again, stressing that we were promised an export tool two years ago.........and they said 

At this time, we do not have any updates about the Ning 3.0 Archiver. As soon as we have more information on a release date for the Archiver, we will make an announcement on

  Guess I'll have to walk away from one site.  That really blows.

Comment by JenSocial on May 22, 2016 at 2:10pm

I don't think it would be very responsible of me, if I didn't at least touch on this. Wordpress/BuddyPress with larger sites can become bloated, and slow as molasses, with a lot of user content. And, there are a lot of plugins to contend with. But, I still love it as an alternative. I love WordPress, period. If a site grows enough that hosting is an issue, there are always ways to acquire hosting packages like VPS or providers who specialize in WordPress hosting for larger sites. BUT, it can get quite expensive. However, if your site grows enough to get to that point, hopefully the traffic would pay for the cost via ads.

Comment by Writer Chick on May 22, 2016 at 2:04pm

I've already used Wordpress, so I know how easy it is. That would be amazing if someone came up with that!  Keep us informed!

Comment by JenSocial on May 22, 2016 at 2:02pm

Please keep us posted Kos. Because, with the current Ning to BuddyPress plugin, it's pretty worthless. I'd love to know about this.

Comment by Kos on May 22, 2016 at 2:00pm

Writer Chick I know a Developer who's building a new Ning-to-Wordpress plugin b/c the one Wordpress has, doesn't fully function...........and no one is responding to pleas on it.  I'll let you know when it's done.  Wordpress is a breeze to operate.  You'd be up in a weekend with your 2.0 Ning content, if not sooner.

Comment by Steve Cyrkin on May 22, 2016 at 1:37pm

In my case, you are right for sure. Cloud won't work for me. But in Writer Chick's case it might.
Comment by Steve Cyrkin on May 22, 2016 at 1:35pm
There's a tool to migrate content to SE PHP, but I don't know about Cloud. PHP has groups, and again not sure about Cloud.
Comment by Writer Chick on May 22, 2016 at 1:24pm

I sent them a message asking if there was any way to migrate content.  :)  

Comment by JenSocial on May 22, 2016 at 1:07pm

ahhh, Writer Chick, you're on the job. ;-) Let us know. Yeah, I don't think there is a way to migrate your Ning content. But, you could always write them, and make sure it's not available, or on the horizon. Best of luck!

Comment by JenSocial on May 22, 2016 at 1:06pm

Steve, I started to write about that. But, last time I looked, was afraid it wouldn't offer enough features. I'll try to make it a point to test drive it again. I really love what I know about the team at SocialEngine, so will always feel good about their products.


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