Ave Hurley Illustrations' Featured Artists Network on Ning is helping artists to promote & sell their art online~!

I am making this resource available to ALL artists who wish to sell and promote their art online without any costs. Lets face it, most of us artists have limited computer skills and less promotional skills~ Anyway after compiling my research and testing the market with my own art, I have sold over 300 works of art in the last 2 years online in the places I am sharing here. I did join many of the POD sites where I had to pay an annual fee and found they didnt really increase my sales enough to cover the costs of their memberships~ So I also sold alot on Ebay a couple of years ago but was not satisfied with their results often being on the minimum bids as there simply is an over saturation on art on Ebay in that just to get a few views may be all you get and Ebay charges fees whether you sell or not. I found the other auctions sites listed below that things sold slower but they sold and they didnt charge listing fees which makes it a win win situation in that you only have to pay a small sellers fee if your item is sold and if not, you can automatically relist them til they do sell~ That saves alot of time and effort along the way to simply hit a relist button~!! Then I found some little shops that sell and are affordable in that you only pay pennies to list an item for up to 3 months at a time like at Etsy! Still without promotion, getting people to your art is alot of work in itself and people will not simply find you if you dont promote! You could post pics on every social site on the net working 20 hours a day and not get a sale as a result. You need to promote to an audience that is looking to buy art or suggested to see your art and may result in a sale. Here is my list of places to show, promote and sell your art. Promoters charge alot of money, because there is work involved, but here even the least computer saavy artist can successfully list, promote and sell their art more effectively Best of Luck~ AveHurley
Art-Manager ~ is the Artist Information and Directions page, for us...
Art Auction Worldwide For members who also belong to AAW
ArtWanted.com POD sales
CafePressPOD Sales
Craig's List ~ Free Classified Ad Site
CURRENT OnSite ContestPhotography Contest
EtsyShops -Sell your already made art items
FaceBook Social networking and advertising site
Fine Arts America.comPOD sales
ImageKind.comPOD sales
Netlog.com Popular Blogging Site
PhotoSigPhoto Critique site
Plunderhere Free listing auction site
RedBubblePOD sales
Selling Tips
Squidoo Promotional Lenses Create advertisements
Stumbleupon.comAdvertising blog that reaches millions.
Twitter online advertising and updates on your art
Website Owners SupportFor old & new website owners
WordPresspopular blogging site
Zazzle POD sales
JOIN ANY OF THESE CATEGORIES TO LIST YOUR ART FOR SALE HERE If YOU want to sell your art~ find the category here that it fits in and list it there in the comments~ That way viewers can find the piece you are selling~! Artists can upload their own art for sale through these links under the category that best describes the art they wish to sell.Photography can also go in these categories. When you Upload Picture, choose OPTIONS FOR thumbnail size to appear in comment box. _________________________________________________________________ .
Abstracts for Sale .
Animals for Sale .
Architecture for Sale .
Astronomy & Space for Sale .
Botanicals~ Flowers .
Childrens Pictures for sale .
Crafts .
Ethnic Art for Sale .
Fantasy Art for Sale .
Fractal Art .
Inspirationals for Sale .
Jewelry .
Lakes for Sale .
Landscapes for Sale .
Lighthouses for Sale .
Mountain Scenes for Sale .
Muralist Works, Sign Boards, Commissioned works .
Photography~ General Any unusual or artistic photographs .
Portrait Art for Sale .
Portraits of Famous People .
Science .
Sculpture .
Seascapes for Sale .
South Western USA & Tribal Indian Art .
Snowscapes for Sale
. Starving Artists Sales Any Art under $200 . Still Lifes for Sale . Sunrise & Sunsets for sale

Views: 67


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Comment by ArtRave.com on August 18, 2009 at 1:48am
This is from my SuperGroups Directory on my website~ Ave Hurley Illustrations Featured Artists Network on Ning Membership is for artists trying to sell their art online and needing help with easy resources to utilize in showing their art and reaching viewers~ AHI is also a great place for Art Collectors to come and view the more than 2600 works of art that are "G" rated, family friendly and suitable for viewing audiences of all ages~! Every piece of art on the site is 'pre-approved' to be non-offensive yet of high artistic quality~! Ave Hurley also offers printing services to members who don't print their own work but want quality giclee prints made so that they can sell them too~ [ if they want] :) Ave


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