Conversation on Twitter with former Mode Media/CEO, Former CEO of Ning

May 18, 2016

For what it's worth, finally "heard" from someone involved with Ning, the former Ning CEO - - and (just found out today, Former of Mode Media/CEO, as well), Samir Arora. It wasn't much, but great to hear he is listening. Does this mean Ning will improve their communication dialogue with Ning Creators? Who knows? But, maybe, just maybe, they will start listening, or at least tell Ning Creators their plans for the future of this platform. Honestly, this is the first time in 2 years I have heard one word from this company, other than support calls, "...working on the issues, updates to come..." AND the announcement: Notice of 2016 Storage Limit and Pricing Plan Changes. I just wanted to share this with you all. If you want to follow on Twitter, click on one of the links, below.

phpFox - Build Your Own Social Community!

I will continue to  design sites on Ning, help maintain existing sites. BUT, I am about to embrace the new version of phpFox! I love what I'm seeing.

This Blog post started out with sharing a very short Twitter response from the former CEO of Ning and Mode Media. It's turned into an active discussion on Ning alternatives. Join the conversation.

Views: 2126


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Comment by JenSocial on June 30, 2016 at 12:17pm

Thanks for the video links. I watched 1 of them, yesterday. =) Looking great!

Comment by Friends of musicians on June 30, 2016 at 11:52am

Hi Jen, Jamroom has been surging forward at lightning speed- I thought maybe you'd enjoy their 2 newest product videos here:

Comment by JenSocial on June 5, 2016 at 2:17pm

Hi MD, They look very professional, and not dated! Thank you for sharing what is possible with Jamroom!

Comment by Friends of musicians on June 4, 2016 at 2:14pm

Oops, i think I got that first url wrong, let's try this instead:

Comment by Friends of musicians on June 4, 2016 at 2:12pm

Comment by JenSocial on May 19, 2016 at 10:40pm

Hi Indie Gospel,

I'd love to see the work of these "designers". I did NOT want to admit this. But, you won't stop. ;-) I have searched high and low, and have yet to see a modern looking and highly professionally designed (Jamroom) site - - clean and nice like yours and DM, yes. I don't mean this to insult anyone, truly do not mean it that way. But for my preference, and what I know Corporate Clients want, just can't find it. And trust me, I WANT to find it. I think I would have a blast working in and around those guys at Jamroom, seem like genuine guys, genius minds, responsible, accountable for their works, and my kind of people....

I was referring to custom design at a professional level, not a novice making it look nice with the built-in themes. That's a great thing, on any platform. But for my needs, that's not a topic of priority....

Hi Jen,

I'm wondering if you have seen some of these recent Jamroom themes offered in the Jamroom marketplace, created by developer N8Flex?   Do they look dated as well? :

Comment by JenSocial on May 27, 2016 at 12:52pm

What a mess. I am absolutely convinced, Ning does NOT have a regular Team of Developers these days, just on-call techs who know little about Ning.

Comment by Friends of musicians on May 27, 2016 at 9:10am

Yes, I see on my Chrome browser that the browser tab even for this (Jen's) site starts with "Our apologies"...even though it's loading fine for me.  On the other hand, I'm not seeing that issue on Roxy's site (which is currently loading fine for me) or on another Ning2 site I'm a member of.

What an inexcusable mess!

Comment by Writer Chick on May 27, 2016 at 8:20am

My support ticket was from Jennifer and it was about the issue of my photos not loading. Here is her response:  (she just changed a few words here and there.) 

Jennifer (Ning Help Center)

May 25, 3:58 PM 

Hi Diane,

Thanks for contacting us. We are currently working on this issue right now and will get things working again as soon as possible! I just took a look at your network and it is loading successfully on my end and it looks like your photos should load/upload successfully now as well. Are you still unable to share photos at this time? If so, please let me know which page specifically you're trying to upload or attach photos to.

We'll keep the Ning Status blog ( updated with progress towards resolving this issue. We've also posted an announcement on Creators with some more information regarding the recent issues:

The Ning Team

Comment by Roxy FUrlong on May 27, 2016 at 7:45am

oh geez ... was it from Jennifer, Writer Chick? I hope I don't lose my right column, we just posted all of our swaps for the month and guess where the links are?!? 

In the immortal word of Lurch ... ughhhhhhhhh

Comment by Writer Chick on May 27, 2016 at 7:41am

And I can't access the dashboard to file a support ticket.


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