Animal Lovers Fighting Against BSL
  • 55, Female
  • Sacramento, CA
  • United States
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  • Pet Lovers Paradise
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Animal Lovers Fighting Against BSL

Profile Information

Owner's Name
Website/Blog Name
Animal Lovers Fighting Against BSL
Social Website/Blog Address
Website Category
Website Tags (please separate tags with a comma, phrases in quotes) i.e. videos,entertainment,"entertainment videos"
Laws, Dogs, Animal, Abuse, BSL, Legislation, Breed, Bully, Pit, Bulls, Specific, BSL, Canine
Mature (not quite R)
About Website
Education is the key to awareness & knowledge.! Irresponsible/Bad Dog Owners & Dog Fighters are the cause of BSL.
Breed Specific Legislation, or BSL, is a ban on a specific breed of dog based on the fear and ignorance of a public who thinks the only dangerous dogs come from a certain breed or breed type. Basically it operates on the idea that certain breeds of dogs will attack people or other animals unprovoked, whilst this behavior would never happen in other breeds. Common sense tells us this is not only a blatant lie, but that it is disproved with so many documented facts only pure ignorance could be fueling its spread across the country. Not only is BSL harmful to those dogs it bans, but the money spent to run the programs implemented for it is outrageous and the results produced are minescule at best.
Overall, the best way to fight BSL is to be a responsible owner and a good neighbor. Extend yourself. Socialize, train and educate on a daily basis.

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Your city or county is more than likely considering passing Breed Specific Legislation (BSL). These types of laws should NOT be supported by any responsible dog owners! There is no breed of dramatically dropped once BSL was passed. These losses were passed onto the community because of less travelers which effects hotels, restaurants, gas stations, veterinary care, etc.
BSL has been ruled as unconstitutional by the Ohio Supreme Court and a Westbury, NY Court. BSL Laws have been ruled against by several courts of law throughout the US including, Alabama Supreme Court, NY Supreme Court, MA Supreme Court just to name a few. But yet BSL keeps popping up everywhere everyday.
All dogs are capable of biting and inflicting fatal wounds. In 2002 a Pomeranian fatally mauled an infant. According to Karen Delise the dog most involved in fatal attacks is an unaltered male, followed by an un-altered female. BSL laws do not make a community safer as they don’t address the root cause of the problem and that’s the irresponsible dog owners. Effective laws need to be drafted that protect responsible dog owners rights and hold irresponsible owners accountable for their animals actions.
♦ Why we all need to look out for Breed Specific Legislation ♦
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Breed Specific Legislation, or BSL, is a ban on a specific breed of dog based on the fear and ignorance of a public who thinks the only dangerous dogs come from a certain breed or breed type. Basically it operates on the idea that certain breeds of dogs will attack people or other animals unprovoked, whilst this behavior would never happen in other breeds. Common sense tells us this is not only a blatant lie, but that it is disproved with so many documented facts only pure ignorance could be fueling its spread across the country. Not only is BSL harmful to those dogs it bans, but the money spent to run the programs implemented for it is outrageous and the results produced are minescule at best.
Overall, the best way to fight BSL is to be a responsible owner and a good neighbor. Extend yourself. Socialize, train and educate on a daily basis.
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Comment Wall (11 comments)

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At 11:17pm on December 8, 2008, saveNaturefree said…
Thank you for finding me and requesting friendship.
When I add a friend, I ask that they first join my free site saveNaturefree Not for my sake but for Mother Nature who is crying for help.

We do not ask for charity or donations surprise surprise, we pay our members. the first 50 at each location.

tell your friends to come and see the site giving away it's ad profits for nature.

Heres the links to two forum discussions, they answer most questions.

A powerful secret that will change the world

Who builds a kiosk and how it comes together

please read there for answers to your questions about the
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It's about saving Mother Nature from the horrifying impacts of industrial pollution.
At 10:47am on November 29, 2008, Magic Happens said…

At 11:31am on October 19, 2008, EcoPaparazzi said…
Hi There -
Your work is important. Keep on keeping on, and thanks for having this network. I've had three Rottweilers as companions and I know all about the discrimination and assaults against the breed. So I love the work you're doing.

On another note, I could use your help. I'm looking for people who are involved in Earth healing and activism, so I can promote their work on my network. I showcase anything that's Eco -- eco innovation, eco teens, environmental youth media, eco activism, eco design, permaculture, Earth spirituality, indigenous wisdom, eco art, eco music, eco warriors, ecopreneurs, eco unity, eco economy ending poverty and suffering), eco financing (green solutions like micro loans), eco consulting, people focused on environmental and social concerns, animal rights, etc. I have a standing column called "Green Action for Pets."

If you know people who are healing Mother Earth through various efforts, then please send them my way. Will you please send this note out to your Members, including MySpace, facebook, etc.? The more people we connect with for Earth healing, the quicker we solve destructive problems. My network is brand new. We need members. Lots of members who are active, or will get active to heal the Earth. Come join! Send others! Mother Earth needs us all!!
At 9:59am on October 3, 2008, King of Prosperity Network said…

A good leader inspires others with confidence in him; a great leader inspires them with confidence in themselves. Uknown ANOTHER BEUTIFUL DAY! ENJOY IT.. IF YOU ARE ABLE TO READ THIS RIGHT NOW, THEN THIS IS A BEAUTIFUL DAY! THE QUESTION IS, ARE YOU GOING TO KEEP IT THAT WAY? SINCE YOU CONTROL YOUR ATTITUDE, YOU CAN CONTROL YOUR DAY! ATTITUDE REFLECTS LEADERSHIP! The Self-Proclaimed Motivator, Gerald Simmons Legal As One Motivational Network
At 9:21am on October 1, 2008, King of Prosperity Network said…
Andrew Carnegie: Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.

Directory of Ning Networks Staff Member / Legal As One Motivational Network
At 11:18pm on September 30, 2008, King of Prosperity Network said…
The Right Touch
Charles Ghigna

A thoughtful word, a thoughtful deed,
We never lose the knack,
For kindness is a boomerang
That always comes right back.

Changing Lives,

Gerald Simmons
At 11:31am on September 30, 2008, Pet Lovers Paradise said…
BEST IDEA YET! HOW BEST TO GET ON PAGE #1 OF NING'S POPULAR NETWORKS? And what better place to be FOUND by Community Seekers than there? Here's the plan. We already have tons of traffic. But, if you come here every day, several times a day, give a hello, check your comments, etc... Besides, it's a blast on the Directory! I don't see how we can miss! In no time, the chances of us moving to page #1 of Ning's Popular Networks are HUGE! In just 4 days, we're already moving between Pages #14 and 18, out of 2,795 pages. This will help everyone. There is simply no doubt about it! Let's go to the top, together!
Best Regards,
Directory of Ning Networks Staff Member
/Owner: Pet Lovers Paradise
At 6:09pm on September 29, 2008, JenSocial said…
Glad you're happy! It's a hit and a miss for now. But, I'm so glad you're featured. Soon, I will offer guaranteed space at a dirt cheap monthly rate. I'll let you know. I hope you're doing well!
Best to you and all your wonderful causes!
At 2:43pm on September 29, 2008, Pet Lovers Paradise said…
Hey, I thought you were the silly goose.... I can't remember what silly name that thing gave me...
Love you bunches -- Suz
At 11:02pm on September 17, 2008, Pet Lovers Paradise said…
Howdy, my friend! Love the fact that you added both sites! I agree with, Jen.... you are definitely busy with great causes... I think I'm one of them. LOL


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